Here's How Blockchain Can Benefit Education

Here's How Blockchain Can Benefit Education

Good morning Lion's I trust you're safe and well and enjoying the end to the working week. Over the past few days we have been exploring the different sectors and fields Blockchain Technology can benefit and enhance the current systems in place. Quite often the transition to a Blockchain system can yield significant enhancements providing a faster more secure system with many additional benefits.

Today we're touching on a sector that, already has seen some attempts to enhance it with private blockchains launching around earn and learn surrounding educational aspects of Crypto Currency. But today I want to focus on the implementation of Blockchain technology and it's possible benefits to the mainstream education system. We will look at how it can lead to stronger and safer systems and ways to ensure each student is provided equity in their educational journey.

With many reports around the quality and legitimacy of teachers educational backgrounds it can be a barrier to ensure the right people are matched for the right job. Implementing Blockchain technology can provide a way to enhance the current skills gaps.

So hold on tight as we explore the benefits of Blockchain Technology in the Education System.

Verification of Certificates

Over the years there have been a number of high profile cases surrounding the forgery of educational credentials that lead to people impersonating teachers and gaining employment in schools. While the move might sound mundane and make the school look bad where it occurs. The potential dangers this has on our children is quite concerning as the requirement to screen employees prior to employment to ensure the person being employed isn't a predator still appears to have cracks in it.

Furthermore, the ability to store and verify academic credentials of students is another process which is fraught with issues and as time goes by the documents become harder to verify. Enabling a Blockchain to store and verify these documents provides a consensus approach and the added benefit is that as people learn more and gain more skills it can be added to their profile which could be accessed the same way a wallet accesses a blockchain.

This also provides the student the ability to retain access at all times to their skills and qualifications and streamline employment as the information can be easily shared with and verified by prospective employers. Utilising Blockchain technology will also increase the difficulty in tampering with the information as it would require the consensus network to approve any changes. Striking out those who seek to con the education system into believing they are teachers.

Tamper Proof Portfolio

The additional benefits of having a tamper proof portfolio can extremely increase the likelihood of great students. To have the upper hand in employment employers are always on the hunt for the best employees. This requires employees to often list achievements and accomplishments on resumes and any awards and commendations they have earned over the years.

Again this is impacted by time itself as scammers can invent awards and credentials and with the globalised workforce this becomes even harder to police. Implementing Blockchain technology employers could potentially add recommendations and commendations alongside any awards their staff, student or contractor has earned providing a consensus approach to verifying their employment history.

The student could retain complete control over who has access to these records and information and be able to share it with who they need to as well as have a safe storage place instead of USB's or paper documents which can be damaged, destroyed or lost.

While references currently provide that feedback this can also be a time limited thing as people often move from positions, retire and old age also takes us out. That can cause great employees to lose their ability to evidence their strengths and show case their wins.

Data Sovereignty

A relatively new term that you might have started to hear pop up is data sovereignty which is becoming of increased importance and comes off the back of many platforms using peoples information based on what the view, like, purchase and even as far as listening into their conversations to market products to them.

This is driving the need for data sovereignty up and implementing a blockchain approach to Education further enables data sovereignty by limiting who has access to someones personal history and one further thing less to worry about when it comes to data breaches and data theft.

I hope you enjoyed today's article about how Education can benefit by implementing Blockchain technology, feel free to add your additions in the comments section below.

image sources provided supplemented by canva pro subscription. This is not financial advice and readers are advised to undertake their own research or seek professional financial services.

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