How can we increase the use of Hive Dollar (HBD)? HBD in shopping.


There are three types of reward tools for Hive Bloggers. All three of these are transferred to our wallets after 7 days.

- Hive: The Hive Blog's tool to reward us, Hive, is a token whose price is not indexed to any fiat money or precious metal. What a sensible way to use the Hive is an investment. So I just think Hive should be an opportunity for investors. To be more precise, Hive should not be used in shopping or anything. Just investment. Buy when value is low, sell when value increases. Of course, these are my thoughts. Anyone can do whatever they want, but I want to give advice.

- HBD: Also known as Hive Dollar. HBD is a token just like Hive. But there is a difference from Hive. HBD is indexed to the US dollar. Its value is generally 1 USD. Since HBD is generally indexed to one US dollar, it is very suitable for shopping and daily life.

-Curation Award: Curation award is given to us by Hive Blog as Hive Power. Hive Power is actually no different from Hive. There is only a time difference between them. Hive Power is given in a total of 13 weeks after the power down process is initiated. The Kürayon award is an award given to us for the posts we voted for. Generally, when you vote, half of the value goes to you as a reward and half as a reward to the person you voted for. If you want to know how many curation awards and percentage you have received, hiveworld. You can look at the app site. The curation award is actually a great opportunity for those who invest in Hive.

What should HBD be used for?

If we want Hive Blog to develop and spread, we must create new opportunities. First of all, HBD should be an opportunity for businesses. So the first opportunity should not be for consumers, but for businesses and bosses. The companies that direct the masses and have their data should be the first focus. There should always be a lot of thought about the first step. Because the first step is really important sometimes, if not always.

If bosses want to pay employees' salaries with HBD, a department should be set up to specifically assist them. There are already organizations that handle things like invoices for companies that want to make salaries and payments with cryptocurrency. These organizations can even create payment lists for company employees.


Source Pixabay.

What exactly?

So how exactly? Everyone already knows them right? So let's begin to explain them in detail.

- Paying the salaries as HBD with the market chain owners should be the first goal. First, bosses should pay their salaries in terms of HBD so that employees know that it makes sense to use HBD.

- Actually, there is something that is required before the bosses HBD payment. A special card must be issued for HBD. This should be just like a bank card. It should be used wherever there is a POS device. It must be a mobile application to which the card is attached. In that mobile application, people should be able to do what they want.


Source Pixabay.

- The mobile application for HBD should also earn points as you shop. These points can then be converted to HBD.

- As Hive Blog, there is already an ajmail. Those who write on the Hive Blog and consequently receive HBD should be able to transfer these HBDs they receive to the mobile application in order to use them in shopping later. Another advantage I mentioned is points. Points are very advantageous for those who do not write on Hive Blog and only receive their salary as HBD.



Let's say that two types of people use HBD. Two types of people in terms of advantage.

First: People who have written on Hive Blog and earned HBD.

Second: People who receive their salary or any other fee as HBD and earn points as they shop. These points can be converted to HBD.

As you can see, there are opportunities and advantages in this system. These are important for people to use HBD.

But the value of HBD sometimes decreases and sometimes increases. What will happen?

When talking about US dollar-indexed cryptos such as HBD, we generally think of USDT. And USDC. These two cryptos are also indexed to the US Dollar. People who comment on the floating chart of HBD will see the same thing on the chart of USDC and USDT. Because although there are indexed cryptos, there are inflation and supply-demand factors that affect. It is normal to see such things in the free market.

Even fiat coins are sometimes used as an investment. There are even those who constantly invest on money. Some kind of investment and profit can be made on the fluctuating price of HBD. But remember, you can lose or win.

What I write is definitely not investment advice! Just a few ideas on the use of HBD.


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