"Money in My Childhood" Challenge - Reto "El Dinero en mi Infancia" [ESP/ENG]


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Hola Amigos hoy me uno al reto de nuestros compañeros @Rutablockchain y #LeoFinance agradeciendo de antemano .

Hello friends, today I join the challenge of our colleagues @Rutablockchain and #LeoFinance thanking us in advance.

Recuerdo que de pequeña mis padres como trabajaban mucho la verdad es que el dinero se lo daban a mi hermana mayor y ella era quien realizaba las compras y nos daba ciertos gusticos en la merienda diariamente, ya cuando comenzamos a tener un poco más de edad (tipo 10 años en adelante), ya mis padres nos daban el dinero correspondiente a cada uno, para aquellos tiempos teníamos el billete de 100 bolívares que era una cantidad razonable y se podían comprar ciertas cosas, como somo 4 hijos obviamente la cantidad variaba de mayor a menor, iban de 1000 bolívares hasta 300 bolívares que era lo que me correspondía a mi diariamente.

I remember that when I was little my parents worked a lot, the truth is that they gave the money to my older sister and she was the one who did the shopping and gave us certain tastes in the afternoon snack, already when we started to be a little older ( type 10 years onwards), and my parents gave us the money corresponding to each one, at that time we had the 100 bolivar bill which was a reasonable amount and you could buy certain things, such as 4 children obviously the amount varied from greater at a lower rate, they ranged from 1000 bolivars to 300 bolivars, which was what corresponded to me daily.


Collage realizado en mi smartphone con la app QuickGrid


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Por ende, con esos 300 bolívares diarios yo me compraba el desayuno en la escuela el cual siempre era un tequeño y una malta y eso equivalía a 100 bolívares, me quedaban 200 para ahorrar, al salir de la escuela una que otra oportunidad me compraba un helado (raspado) o un helado "solo" que si mal no recuerdo era de la Tío Rico y valía 100 bolívares, pero siempre me quedaba dinero para ahorrar, digamos que al mes podía reunir entre 800 o 1200 bolívares y lo usaba para comprarme cosas los fines de semana cuando mis padres nos daban permiso de bajar a la PB de donde viviamos (una residencia grande con plaza incluida en la PB) o sino pues lo usábamos para ir a jugar en las maquinitas de Parque Central.

Therefore, with those 300 bolivars a day, I bought breakfast at school, which was always a tequeño and a malt and that was equivalent to 100 bolivars, I had 200 left to save, when I left school from time to time I bought a ice cream (scraped) or a "solo" ice cream that if I remember correctly was from Uncle Rico and was worth 100 bolivars, but I always had money to save, let's say that a month I could collect between 800 or 1200 bolivars and used it to buy things on weekends when my parents gave us permission to go down to the ground floor where we lived (a large residence with a place included in the ground floor) or else we used it to go play at the Central Park machines.

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Nuestros padres siempre nos daban dinero pero nos decían que no lo gastaramos al 100%, que reunieramos para comprar o simplemente para siempre tener algo de dinero en nuestro bolsillo, ya que eso llamaba a la prosperidad, yo la verdad siempre tenía dinero, bien sea por la mesada, el ratón Pereza cuando se me caida un diente o porque me lo conseguía en la calle tirado en el piso (que tenía una suerte para eso, que ni se imaginan).

Our parents always gave us money but they told us not to spend it 100%, to gather to buy or simply to always have some money in our pocket, since that called for prosperity, I always had money, well for the counter, the sloth mouse when a tooth falls out or because I got it on the street lying on the floor (I was lucky for that, you can't imagine).

Una de las grandes anécdotas que tengo para recordar, es que en 4to de bachillerato salí con mis amigos varones a al avila, subimos en el teleférico y quedamos dar un paseo por lo que antes se llamaba "Avila Mágica", una vez estando arriba estábamos aburridos y decidimos tomar el camino y dar un recorrido por el pueblo que esta más abajo y nos la verdad es que teníamos mucha sed y no teníamos casi dinero, yo tenía ganas de comprarme una jarra de cerveza pero valía 2.000 bolívares y no nos alcanzaba, además eramos todos menores de edad, bueno mientras caminábamos y jugábamos entre nosotros yo me escondí y donde me agaché con un amigo para asustar a los demás estaba entre la tierra un billete de 5.000 bolívares y nos alegró pero demasiado porque encontramos dinero suficiente para comprar, ese día subimos corriendo nuevamente jejejeje y había una señora que se estaba bebiendo una cerveza de jarra (la cual pretendía botar) y entre todos le pedimos que por favor nos comprara una jarra de cerveza para compartir y que no éramos tan menores de edad, nos preguntó la edad y que hacíamos allí solos, y como vio que éramos chavos sanos y nos la compró con el dinero que conseguimos, nos dio el vuelto, le dimos las gracias por un buen rato y como éramos 7 personas en el grupo, pues básicamente era un poquito de cerveza para cada uno y listo, compramos unos perros calientes y al pasar la tarde bajamos a las 5pm del Avila pero sin duda una experiencia increíble que jamás olvidaré.

One of the great anecdotes that I have to remember is that in 4th year of high school I went out with my male friends to Avila, we got on the cable car and we agreed to take a walk through what used to be called "Avila Mágica", once we were upstairs we were bored and we decided to take the road and take a tour of the town that is further down and the truth is that we were very thirsty and we had almost no money, I wanted to buy a glass of beer but it was worth 2,000 bolivars and we were not enough, Furthermore, we were all minors, well while we walked and played among ourselves I hid myself and where I crouched with a friend to scare the others, a 5,000 bolivar bill was on the ground and we were happy but too happy because we found enough money to buy, That day we ran upstairs again hahaha and there was a lady who was drinking a pitcher beer (which she wanted to throw away) and together we asked her to please buy us a jug of ce time to share and that we were not so minors, he asked us how old we were and what we were doing there alone, and as he saw that we were healthy kids and he bought it for us with the money we got, he gave us the change, we thanked him for a Good time and since there were 7 people in the group, it was basically a little beer for each one and that's it, we bought some hot dogs and in the afternoon we went down from Avila at 5pm but without a doubt an incredible experience that I will never forget.

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Me gustaría leer las experiencias de los siguientes compañeros: @saracampero, @josehany, @juliocersardraw, @librepensadora y @eliezerfloyd.

I would like to read the experiences of the following colleagues: @saracampero, @josehany, @juliocersardraw, @librepensadora y @eliezerfloyd.

Para la traducción de esta publicación utilice el traductor interno que trae el teclado original de Samsung.

For the translation of this publication use the internal translator that comes with the original Samsung keyboard.



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