My desire for crypto knowledge

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This is actually my first time of powering up Leo ever since I joined hive. Why? I have little knowledge about how #leofinance community works. But, since I started threading, I now finds joy and enjoyment in leofinance community. That's why I decided to participate in this month's LPUD. Hope am welcomed?

My mission

When I joined hive, I have this phobia for any crypto related community and it's contents to the extent I do flee from engaging with crypto related content creators. To me, crypto topics are not meant for me, and I had no passion for it. But, few days ago, I asked myself this interest arousing question.

Since I have this phobia for crypto, then, why are my here? Wait, is it not the same crypto am running away from that am gaining here on hive? If yes, then, is now not the best time to acquire crypto knowledge?

After scrutinizing all the above mentioned questions, I gave myself the courage to do more in this community through posting, reading, rebloging and engaging with crypto creators. I believe by so doing, I will acquire more crypto knowledge. But, to be eligible for such knowledge, I need to prove my seriousness through commitment. Yes, I made it my priority to participate in this month's LPUD since it's a way I have discerned to prove my seriousness in this community.


From now onward, I will do my best to engage with crypto content creators since it will enhance my crypto knowledge. Thanks to the founder of this amiable community, it's curators and mods. Before joining hive, I tried acquiring crypto knowledge through an online training but the charge was much. Now that am here and have the opportunity to gain crypto insight, I don't think I have any excuse from now onward not to learn and practice my latest crypto knowledge.


This is my wallet before power up


Then, this is my wallet afterwards


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