Is it possible to Secure your Crypto online ?

Now most of the things around us are online and we all are now used to it after the pandemic everything is online and more accessible there is no need to go outside you can just do most of the things just by scrolling through your smartphone screen. Things are easy for you and for the other as well it is easy to hack or compromise your accounts online because the attackers are seeking opportunities. If we are online then we are the only ones responsible for our security because if you do anything that you are not supposed to do then you may lose your wealth in a few seconds. There are a lot of cases like this you can find out it is full of this kind of stuff.

In the end, we are the only responsible person for things if our account gets compromised the thing is we should be more careful while we are online and try not to click on links and suspicious websites if we don't have any idea about that before taking on that you can search about that may be you will find something about that before losing your assets. Day by day everything is getting secured and those acres are also getting more advanced they are finding different ways to manipulate or compromise your accounts and sometimes they do succeed in that but you should be more careful if you want to secure yourself online.

There are a lot of things that can be done to keep yourself but if you think that can be more helpful if you are online or you are in the crypto world then you should be more careful.

  • Don't keep your passwords or keys anywhere online.

  • Make sure you change your keys after a few months that is a good way to secure your account.

  • Always log in through the official websites.

  • If you don't trust any exchange then purchase a hardware wallet and keep your crypto there.

  • Don't easily trust users online.

  • Try to hide your wealth from others because if you are in others eyes then you might be in danger.

A few years ago my hive account did get compromised but I was lucky that I didn't lose anything someone helped me at that time and I was able to change my keys. Thank you so much for your love and support see you tomorrow till then take care.


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-------stay safe and be motivated-----------

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