Commitment and Consistency

I've come to realize that one of the reasons most Nigerian youth get frustrated and indulge in theft and cybercrimes is as a result of lack of commitment to their own dreams or purpose. Everyone has a dream to become financially stable and buoyant and at some point we've learned a skill we find interest in or find so much joy doing. It could be content writing, trading crypto, forex,fashion designing, sports or something very lucrative.


I would always say that there's no form of excuse that would justify why some youths engage in cybercrimes and fraud. They just lack commitment and consistency to their formally desired niche. Everyone is looking for a get-rich quick scheme. They are not willing to stay committed by investing their time, effort and resources to a skill, they want it quick and most of the time, it is often caused by peer pressure from friends and you always wanting to feel among.

Have you ever wondered how the majority of the successful icons we have today, made it to where they are?. Their honest reply to that question would be "Commitment and Consistency". These two work hand in hand. Just like a footballer whose dream is to be a great player, he has to be committed and consistent in practice in order to attain that goal.

Particularly here on hive, I have fallen short in this aspect of my life.When I was new to the space, I used to watch certain authors' pieces gain huge curation in less than an hour, even if their contents are sometimes lengthy and educational to read, such as @josediccus and @taskmaster4450 . I'd think, "I want to be able to write so well like them and get curations like that too" Lol. However, I later failed to see that their success was a result of their devotion and consistency. It opened up space for additional knowledge, exposure, and visibility in the space.

However, it is important to note that your commitment and consistency to your assignment must align with your goals. Do well to find your niche, stay focused. Remember, everyone has his own time and season, avoid being in a rush in order not to fall out of purpose.These would eventually help you in every aspect of life including relationships.


If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
Until next time, do have a wonderful day today.

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