Reflections on life

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Most people, when talking about the future, refer to the financial part of life.
Covid-19 showed us that we might actually be wrong.
First of all, one of the things we can't do without is health. Everything else doesn't matter.
Therefore, the more time we spend on exercise, sleep and proper nutrition, the healthier and more energetic we will be.This is not something that is not a known fact. The difficulty in its implementation, however, comes from the lack of HABITS.

But what exactly are the HABITS ?

A few days ago I bought Stephen Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and in it I found the most correct definition of the word "habit".

Habit is the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire

What to do and why?How to do it?The motivation or want to do it.

Seeking a change in your habits means looking for a change in your life.

And here comes an important question - Are you happy with your life?
The answer to this question is generally quite subjective. This is because the happiness for each person is different. For one person it is happiness when he will be able to catch a fat annual bonus from work, for another when his child comes home with an excellent grade in school, for a third that he has something to eat tonight.

I am not sure if you are familiar with the World Happiness Report ( yep, this is a real document announced by U.N. Sustainable Development Solutions Network) which says that Finland is the happiest country in the world.

Let's look at the purely financial indicators of this country.

Helsinki, Finland 1.jpg

It is very important when comparing wages to keep in mind the prices of goods and services, because they are the ones that really determine the economy.


Speaking of happiness - For someone it is to drink a bottle of red wine in the evening. If you don't have money for it, will you be happy?

I have never been to Finland. I don't know if I will be soon. What I do know, though, is that I want to be happy. I believe that all people want to be happy. It is important to note that we are again talking about money, not health.

To reckon without one's host is something that you should not ever do! Or as we, the bulgarians says:

"The fish is still in the sea, and she puts the pan" If you think about it, you will understand how much wisdom there is in it.

Stay positive! :)

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