What Level Bitcoiner Are You?

Level 1: Bitcoin is for real. I’m going to buy some and join the cryptocurrency future of money.

Level 2: When should I time my buying, selling, and HODLing to stack more SATs (a “satoshi” or “SAT” is 100 millionth of a BTC)?

Level 3: No more buying/selling thinking. Just living. Paid in crypto, you convert as needed for bills, food, etc.

I hope to see level 4 in my life time where all financial transactions will be unconstrained by violent governments and corrupt central bankers, and we will be free to use whatever competing, self-sovereign currency we choose with trustless, decentralized finance (“DeFi”) liquidity systems allowing easy access in and out of any token with little slippage. When money can’t be created out of nothing to fund war or prop up a consumerist, wasteful economic system, that’s when we evolve as a species to more economical use of resources on this spaceship earth to travel beyond our imagination.

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