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If A Crypto Project Is Running For A Long Time Then It Is Successful

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When it comes to the valuation of the crypto project it is always The price of the token checked but I believe this is a secondary thing The first thing is reputation, strong community, and development. Price can fluctuate, but reputation cannot fluctuate like price. That is why we have to check the reputation first And this is how the project can gain the trust. In this bear market, there are many projects that collapsed, and users lost their money these projects promised a future in their roadmaps But now they are no more That is why surviving the bear market is not easy And this pay market has eaten those projects completely.

Surviving A Bear Market is Not Easy

In this bear market, blockchain gaming projects faced massive losses, and even some big projects collapsed But we have Splinterlands here, which is still running and doing very well this happened because of the strong hive community And we can see that the project can do a good in future because it has potential So community support is the very important thing here Because, without community support, surviving bear market is not easy for any project. Sprinterlands' coin SPS got a massive dump Its all-time high was $1 But now, if you check the price of sps, then it is $0.02. So you can see a big dump here in the price. Again, it will reach an all-time high or not. I can’t say about that but at least we have hope because of the community. If Sprinterlands continues this type of development, then in the future, it will definitely get a better price for the sps token.

Coin price is a secondary thing

Once the project gets a reputation it doesn’t need any promotion because your project will become a brand This is exactly what inleo is doing here. We can see that Leo token price is low but it has an all-time high of $1 And its current price is around, 0.04 this is very low from its all-time high But when you check the developments on the platforms then you cannot believe this low price of Leo token, because it is undervalued. In the future, Leo has the potential to reach new heights We can say that it can even break its previous all-time high price. Inleo has a great advantage and is Leothreads which is a microblogging platform users are really enjoying this platform And new users are coming to join this platform. Means it is growing.


Inleo is going to complete 5 years

This July Inleo will complete five years. It was rebranded sometime ago And after rebranding, it became a beautiful platform with multiple advanced features. Now if any new person comes on this project and checks the price of Leo then he will definitely check the all-time high of leo tokens. It can say that this project is not good So that’s what happens when you check the price of the token only. Because, as I said, Leo token is undervalued if we compare the price with developments then the price is nothing because lots of things are happening on the platform. We need this type of development in web 3.0 platforms. so that we can attract users of Web 2.0 social media sites.

This means we have hive projects that are completed longer time here. The final verdict is, that these projects are successful We cannot judge them by price So I hope you get the message that I want to share in this post Do not forget to share this post

Lucky Ali

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185300304_441507187470261_6630906744872723300_n-removebg-preview.pngHi I am lucky ali from gujarat, india. I am a crypto enthusiast, blogger, and SEO developer. I am always interested in learning new things and getting new experiences. You can find me on hive, twitter and discord (Lucky Ali#6343). Sharing is caring, Thank you hive family ♥