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Dcity: State of The Union.


My fellow Dcitizens,

As your new president, I would firstly like to thank you for your vote of confidence in electing me into office. I will try to be a president for all players and i hope to be able to use my presidency to unite us in bringing Dcity to the next level together. Secondly I'd like to thank Gerber for creating our unique little game and his tireless efforts in making it even bigger and better.

The past few months we have seen a huge increase in the number of players, but i like to believe that all of us are still early adaptors and the game itself is still in it's infant phase. The upside of being in an infant phase is that there is the potential for a lot of growth and development for our beloved game and i truly believe that Dcity can grow into one of the leading blockchain games. The flipside of being an infant however, is that we are still fragile and it's up to us players and Gerber and his team to each do our part in bringing Dcity to the next level.

So as your president i'd like to share some thoughts on where we are now, where i think we should go and what changes we need to get there. To keep this post to a resaonable size, i will adress some bullet points and write a more extensive post on each topic during my presidency.

  1. Return on Investment in SIM

Lets's face it, we are spoiled with our current returns. At the moment an investment in Dcity pays for itself in about 100-150 days of SIM earnings, which should make a realistic APR of 150% in Hive terms entirely possible. As much as we all love these returns, we all probably also realise that they are excessive and are not likely to be sustainable in the long run.

I expect that with the 3rd edition we'll see less generous income cards. Also, with the introduction of crisis events our collective SIM income will lower even further. This benefits the game in my opinion and i expect Gerber to come up with more features that help to control the SIM economy.

If the return in SIM earnings is reduced to around 100% APR over the course of next year, future players will still have an amzing return on their investment, especially when we manage to create additional, new rewards coming out of DcityFund.

2.. Bigger role for DcityFund

When Dcity started 50% of all Hive and Swap-Hive sales went to the reward pool and the other 50% went to Gerber as a fee for his efforts and to pay for dev's to develop the UI, Dcityhelper and other game developments. A few months ago, Gerber lowered his share to 40% and created Dcityfund, which currently receives 10% of all Hive and Swap-Hive sales.

With the introduction of the lobbying proposals, a part of the Hive in Dcityfund, is given as a reward for holding SIM. The current amount is 65 Hive, which amounts to a little over 20% APR and which has helped keeping SIM closer to the peg level of 0,005 Hive per SIM.

The current balance in DcityFund is 54,315 Hive, which is enough to pay the SIM holding rewards for 835 days, if nothing else comes in. But a lot does come in, a stunning 12,918 Hive was transferred to DcityFund over the last 10 days from new card sales, while only 650 Hive was paid out in holding rewards.

My vision for DcityFund is that it becomes a powerhouse for investments in crypto games and other projects within Hive. For example i would like to see Dcity invest in LEO miners, so that SIM holders would get rewards in LEO as well as in Hive.

But most of all, i'd like to see investments in other crypto games. We are riding the first wave of blockchain gaming here and if we invest in upcoming new games (also out of the Hive ecosystem), we can expect amazing returns on those investments.

For example: The creator of SIM CITY and The Sims recently started a new company to develop block chain games. Dcity basically is a blue print for what he wants to achieve and we should be on this like flies on honey.

If Dcity ranks first on the next SIM CITY, it will not only be a slam dunk investment, but a great way to promote Dcity as well.

Check it out yourself:

In order to make the most of DcityFund, i think we should allocate a larger portion of the Hive sales to it. At the moment 40% of Hive sales goes to Gerber and 50% goes to the reward pool.

If we decide that we want to become a powerhouse for investments and strengthen our foundation, we all need to lower our short term results in order to gain long term success.

For now i think we should divide the Hive sales like this:

  1. Reward Pool 40%
  2. DcityFund 30%
  3. Gerber 30%

And as Dcity grows we should end up with this:

  1. DcityFund 50%
  2. Reward Pool 30%
  3. Gerber 20%

I realise that i am sticking my nose in Gerber's business and it's not that i don't think he should get his Lambo, but i truly believe that we all win in the long run, by making the right choices now.

@gerber: It's better to get 20% of a billion dollar game, than 40% while it lasts.

And a billion dollar game is just as possible as an implosion. It all depends on the choices we make together and to what extent we believe in Dcity and do our part in making it the stuff of blockchain legend.


3 Maintaining the SIM peg.

Gerber has created a very smart mechanism to maintain SIM peg, with the income tax being linked to SIM price and the price for new cards pegged at 4 Hive / 800 SIM. The recent addition of SIM holding rewards has helped in supporting SIM price as well.

With the growing SIM economy however, i feel we need to do more to add underlying value to our sweet SIM.

A big part of this extra value should come from more rewards for SIM holding from the larger DcityFund i have proposed. Hive rewards for holding SIM can easily be increased, but i'd like to see investments in LEO miners and other gems in our blockchain and payouts of the returns on those investments as additional rewards.

Another tool i think we need is an automated marker maker, which uses the funds in the DcityFund account to back up SIM price, by buying at lower levels and either sell it at higher levels or hold it to receive the increased rewards for SIM holding.

4.. What if Gerber's parachute won't open?

There is a big risk that we don't talk about often enough. If anything were to happen to our beloved, benevolent baby dictator, we are all in deep shit. The fact that there is no contingency plan for such an event is a risk for all Dcity players and increases the entry barrier for interested, larger investors.

I don't know what options Hive-Engine has that can help in this regard, but it is something that needs to be adressed rather sooner than later.

5.. Marketing and userbase growth.

Gerber has some very clear ideas on when it is time to start talking about marketing. In short that means that he's not interested in it until the game is further developed. I think that both paths can be walked simultaniously and that we should always focus on increasing our userbase in one form or another.

Stagnation is akin to regression and this is even more true for Dcity, especially as long rewards are as dependant on Hive sales as they are now.

I have taken the initiative to exhibit Dcity and Splinterlands on a consumer game fair in October 2021 on a fair in Essen, which is close to where i live. More than 200,000 gamers visit this fair and i believe it is worth the time, money and effort to be on this fair and other similair ones around the world. I have discussed this with @aggroed and @gerber and we agreed to see if we can find a way together to make this work.

If you know of another fair near you, feel free to request them for info and dm me to see if we can do something similair there.

6.. Pensionada Tax

I would like to start a discussion about another tax. The idea for this tax came to me when i noticed that one of our Dcity oldtimers @themightyvolcano, basically stopped playing and started selling of his SIM on a daily basis.

Ofcourse, this is his prerogative, but it made me think. If a luxury tax is considered fair for players whose strategy is to go for ranking with zero income cities, why wouldn't it be fair to introduce a tax for players who over a longer period neither grow their city or increase their SIM holdings.

I can imagine a tax that slowly increases daily, so that it works as an incentive for not just cashing out. I am curious to hear your opinions on this.

7.. Ask not what Dcity can do for you, but what you can do for Dcity

We have a great community! It's fantastic to see how active our discord is and how willing players are to help new players with answering their questions and giving them a nudge. When we as players do our part for Dcity, it can only help us in getting ahead.

So please, keep posting about Dcity, keep telling your friends about how you make money by playing a game, keep making art work and don't be shy when you have an idea for the game you think would make it even better.

To stimulate you guys, i'd like to finish with a contest.

I will give away 10 Military Industrial Complexes to 10 players who print out the “I want you to play Dcity” poster a friend and i made for this post and put it in in a highly visible location somewhere near them.

I am thinking train stations, shopping malls, community centers and any other crowded places you can think of. Photograph the poster and write a post about it. Please dm me your e-mail if you want to get the high res version if you wanna print it big.

Let's make Dcity that Billion Dollar Game together.


This is simply my opinion on the direction i feel we should go. I don't claim to know for sure if any of this is true/correct or even advisable. It's just my 2 cents.