Communities need an upgrade

A feature we were all hyped about when it launched turned out kind of meh...
There are a few exceptions but for most part i find communities unimpressive.

I found myself almost completely forgetting about it. Sure, i use Leo interface and that is a community but for most part thats it.
When i browse through the feed its like browsing the "new" feed. I feel like it all lacks a more robust content placement algo. More control for mods.

Ive seen a few people mention some really good upgrade ideas that arent talked about much.
I like to point out that HIVE needs more sinks to counter the inflation, more financial incentives, a use case for HBD. Communities could be one or more of those things.

Instead of having folks spam every post that comes to mind into a community, why not have some kind of fee. Something like a paywall, a monthly subscription that allows you to post stuff or comment... etc.
It would make sure you arent just spamming crap every day and it would create a financial incentive for the admins and mods. Theyd want their community to thrive, try and keep their community content quality high so they can attract whales to vote and more readers which would then attract more quality creators and make them more money.
Stuff like that...

Another thing..
Something the frontends would need to help with is allow for community advertising. I know the frontends "technically" are the ones that would receive the funds since they own the advertising space but that would connect communities with a realworld use case before someone figures out how to do it in a better way. Not everyone should need to know how to create their own front end like LeoFinance did.

What about built in community chat on community page? That would take us from discord back to HIVE. Many options exist

Right now i feel like communities are basically just moderated tags and they can be so much more.

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