The Liotes Wealth Machine

On Mondays we look at the numbers of the liotes project. You can find the detailed numbers of this week in the video.

Almost complete supply burnt

We have burnt 916 LEN tokens this week. We had burnt a bit more tokens the previous weeks and therefore we burnt a bit less this week. In average, we manage to burn the complete supply of LEN tokens. There are between 7500 and 8500 LEN tokens in circulation.

The Liotes Wealth Machine

The Liotes project is built around the Liotes Fund. All the income that was generated through the sale of Liotes Mills went into this fund. We then rent the Hive Power of this fund out to other projects that pay us interests. These interests are then used for several aspects:
50% are used to increase the secondary layer income sources
25% are used to buy back LEN tokens in order to burn them
25% of the interests go back into the Liotes fund

The secondary layer income sources are getting more and more interesting

We have quite a lot of secondary layer income sources and most of them are generating income by themselves through curation or through mining. 10% of this income is actually reinvested in the Liotes fund.

The Liotes fund is growing

As you can see, the Liotes fund has several income sources even if no new LENM tokens are sold. In addition to that, there is the organic interest on Hive Power that is around 3.2%.

Since the beginning of the project about 3 months ago (bearing in mind that during the first days there was no income generated), the Liotes fund has grown at a rate of about 10% APR. There are now around 570 more Hive Power in the fund than 3 months ago.

The income that starts to compound

Now we have these 570 Hive Power and we lease them out as well and they generate income that is distributed in the same way. That is how the income is compounding and over time this will take more and more speed. It may become very interesting to own LENM and LEN in the future...

Cheap untamed packs in the Liotes shop

Before the Untamed Splinterland packs were sold out, @ph1102 and me decided to buy a big amount of them in order to sell them in the shop for a good price. We sell them at the moment for 2.19$. Don't forget that when you buy stuff in the shop you are also helping the Liotes ecosystem because 10% of your LEN purchase will be burnt!

Liotes Divider Blue.png


A project run by @ph1102 and @achim03


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