RE: Web3 needs to stop depending on web2 to grow

The following may be something out of touch with your perspective, but I would like to share my reasoning around an issue somehow related to it. One of the points of disagreement I have with Leo's and Hive's growth strategy, in general, is to invest time or resources in promoting their potential on Web2. I never liked that you made so much reference to Twitter as the base model for making Threads, perhaps so that people would assume it more simply. Look, I agree with what you have said here. But I'm thinking of writing something about how we should continue our efforts in creating good content as well as dapps and generating value in Hive regardless of how many people we attract from outside. At some point, I have no doubt, this blockchain will get the exposure it deserves, but for then we will have created a universe so big, full of good reflections, ideas, experiments, and realities, that the world will be left open-mouthed. Best regards from Cuba.

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