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Web2 Platform such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter now known as X, Podcast, other video streaming applications and other Financial Platforms like Banking Platforms, store data in one place. We do trust these Platform and Organizations for safe transactions.

When these platforms and organizations are breached by hackers, our sensitive and valuable information are at risk. When we do forget our passwords having given the responsibility of safe guarding our data to these Platforms and Organizations, these Platforms and Organization do tend to help us reset our password when the need arises.


The method of securing our data in Crypto is so unique and different, data is scattered to prevent hackers from accessing all of our data during attacks, the heart of these crypto organization are filled with project for advancing privacy and security which enables our safe browsing experiences online.

As the saying goes “to whom a lot is given, a lot is expected”, these advance privacy and security comes with great responsibilities.

These advanced security and privacy involve Special Keys and Seed Phrase, these are like key to a Vault, unlike the Web2 Platforms and Banking Platforms, these Special Keys and Seed Phrase, cannot be reset by the advanced project for they never had access or control to the Special Keys or Seed Phrase, access to your account or wallet is lost forever when these keys are forgotten or lost.


Just like we have been doing, Special Characters and Password are good way to starting securing our data, but when dealing with crypto, it is necessary we have multiple layers of security, to safe guard our valuable data.

Having multiple layers of security, such as 2 Factor Authentication, is just like having a second lock on your Vault. When logging in, a unique code is always sent to your email or phone, no one can get into you wallet or account without these unique code, even when someone had your password, without these unique code, they can’t get in.

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Hardware wallet

Having a physical safe has proven to be the best option for those who finds it difficult to trust anyone and also the best for those who can’t still feel at ease even after having multiple layers of security. Imagine having a physical safe for your digital assets, which is a Hardware Wallet.

An hardware wallet, is a device built and dedicated solely for the purpose of safe guarding your crypto. This device makes it very difficult for hackers to have access to our crypto for it has its own advance layer of security.

One amazing feature about the hardware wallet, is the ability of confirming transactions on the device itself. Even if hackers where able to gain access to your computer or phone, they can’t approve transactions without the confirmation from your hardware wallet.

Other basic and necessary steps to observe

Check the senders address, URL and security certificate of the softwares/websites you are using.

Avoid phishing and fake software or websites.

Only enter your special keys or phrase on your hardware wallet device or on a trusted software wallet app.

Always use a trusted VPN when possible, to protect your privacy and encrypt your traffic.

Please note that these are just the basic steps required in securing your crypto.


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