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LeoFinance Weekly Dev Update #2


In This Week's Update:


  • BNB Dividend API Fixes
  • IDO Release Schedule Update
  • IDO #1 Details


  • LeoFi Application - Final Touches Before Launch
  • Automated Geyser Operational For August 15th
  • Performance Update
  • Return of the Daily LEO?
  • LeoFinance WhitePaper Book


  • AMA Tomorrow At 12 PM EST


In last week's dev update we discussed the rollout of BNB Dividends. The dividend faucet has now been on for over 2 weeks and if you have CUB staked in the Kingdom, BNB rewards are accruing for you.

There is an API server that we operate which allows the server to pull real-time data for the accumulation of BNB dividends in your address.

I.e. when you sign-in to CubFinance with your BSC address, the UI attempts to interact with the API and pull the BNB Rewards currently accrued for you.

Our server that runs this API needed an overhaul and upgrade for various reasons - the structure of the API server, the size of the server, the UI pulling too many requests from it at once, etc. - we're currently re-deploying it under a different server.

Once it's back online, BNB rewards will display properly. Many have said that they either see a low BNB amount or 0.000. In most cases, this is because the API is continuously crashing.

Our hope is to have the API fixed, redeployed and live in production before the weekend.

IDO Schedule Update

IDO - Initial Dex Offering - is the newest product to be released for Cub Finance.

Kingdoms were our migration from "Goose" farming to "Autofarm" style farming. This brought on a high degree of sustainability and more options for building a long-term liquidity portfolio for digital assets on Cub Finance.

The goal of CUB is and has always been to build a platform for the long-term. A platform where our community can participate in all of the best aspects of DeFi:

  • Build a liquidity portfolio with digital assets
  • Earn yield from multiple platforms
  • Explore the world of DeFi
  • Gain first access to new platforms

This last piece is where IDOs come into play. CUB IDOs will allow CUB hodlers first access to new platform tokens before they launch their own liquidity pools and platform applications.

We discussed IDOs in more detail in last week's dev update and we'll soon launch a post with a deep dive on our model for IDOs and how they'll build a mountain of value for the CUB Platform as a whole.

The IDO schedule was originally:

  1. IDO #1 -> Polygon CUB Launch
  2. IDO #2 -> XYZ Token Launch
  3. IDO #3 -> ZYX Token Launch

Obviously, we won't give away the names of these tokens until their team's give us the go ahead to release their tokenomic/platform details.

IDO #2 has now switched places with IDO #1 (Polygon CUB). There are a few reasons for this but two of the major reasons are the size of IDO #1 vs IDO #2 and testing the IDO platform.

IDO #1 Details

Here we'll share some early details about what has now become IDO #1 (XYZ Token):

  • Initial Liquidity and Raise: $250k raise ($125k CUB and $125k BUSD)
  • Initial Liquidity Pool: $125k BUSD (from the raised amount) + $125k XYZ
  • IDO & Platform Launch Date: Tentatively August 12th - August 16th

The IDO is a much smaller one than Polygon CUB. This gives us a nice way setup to test the IDO system in real-time and see how it performs with a smaller raise.

It sets the stage nicely for a very large IDO event for Polygon CUB, which is anticipated to raise north of $1-$2m in CUB.

As we approach their IDO and subsequent launch, we'll release details on their platform and links to their UI, Twitter, Medium blog and LeoFinance blog.


LeoFi Application Launch

Many of you may remember the LeoFi leasing application we started building earlier in 2021. As CUB rolled out and we started our expansion into DeFi, we decided to hold off on the launch of LeoFi.

After conducting some final tests on the leasing backend, we're nearly ready to launch LeoFi. This week, we've been working on the final round of UI fixes.

The past week includes the following updates:

  1. Dark mode
  2. Adding "Pending" Leases to User Dashboard
  3. APR Decimal fix
  4. Add Auto Login (fix logout bug on actions)
  5. Add Power / Stake Display next to the username
  6. Add tooltip dialogues when a successful action takes place

The last round of updates we make will be primarily cosmetic. Adding some final dialogues for certain pages/widgets describing LeoFi.

After this, we've decided to launch LeoFi into Open Beta. The "we're doing it live" approach that we all love here in the LEO community.

We'll put a nice banner at the top of the LeoFi UI indicating that the product is in open beta. While we've now had an extra several months of testing, there still might be bugs once a larger group of users are actively interacting with the application - with the interface itself and possibly with the leasing backend.

Despite this, the best way to roll out products is to ship them and rapidly fix & iterate. We'll be shipping LeoFi for open beta in the very near future once these last cosmetic updates are in place.

The launch of LeoFi will mark the release of the LEO POWER leasing application first. Once we're confident that LEO POWER leasing is working well, we'll begin shipping the other products available through the LeoFi dashboard.

In the long-run, LeoFi will also likely serve as an analytics dashboard for other aspects of Leo-based DeFi.

Automated Geyser Operational For August 15th

We're currently monitoring the automated Geyser system we've been slowly building for the past several months. All systems look operational and we're hoping for a smooth rollout of LP rewards on the 15th of August.

Provided the system works well, we'll see automated payouts every 2 weeks on the dot for WLEO-ETH liquidity providers! Having the geyser fully automated will bring a large degree of value to both our team and the LPs.

No more wen geyser 🤞🏽 Performance Update

The performance update is coming along nicely. We're hoping to have it live by tomorrow (Friday).

The speed that this update brings to via frontend and lightning DB improvements will blow your mind.

This will also likely be the final update we make to before the Mobile App and revitalized Desktop Web app are rolled out into production.

As mentioned in last week's update, the mobile app will rollout first (our current target is to finalize mobile app development & deployment in the next 30-45 days). After that, we'll finalize the merging of into the new desktop framework and attempt to roll that out shortly thereafter.

The performance update will still carry over into the new application (both on mobile and desktop), so that's why we're rolling it out prior to their release and also making it our final major release for until the new apps are live in production.

LeoFinance Alpha we may roll some of these updates out into our Alpha server before they go live on production. If we do this, we'll push out a new post from @leofinance announcing the Alpha server and ask for anyone who wants to try out the latest features to utilize that version of the UI and give us regular feedback on any bugs you discover. Stay tuned.

Return of the Daily LEO

I (Khal) have wanted to do the Daily LEO for a long time now. I wrote the newsletter inconsistently for several weeks/months, but the development behind LeoFinance, Cub Finance & ____ have soaked up all the time I have for writing content of my own.

Recently, I spoke with @taskmaster4450 about an idea to bring back The Daily LEO under his management.

Our newsletter is at over 1,600 email addresses and it continues to get signups every single day via the banner on

I imagine that this could bring a large amount of recurring traffic to LeoFinance if we brought back a daily newsletter with the best crypto news each morning.

Details soon™️

LeoFinance White Book Release?

@nealmcspadden mentioned on the last AMA that we should release the LeoFinance White Book that's been hidden from the public for more than 6 months now. After spending so much time working on it, it still doesn't feel complete and it likely never will.

His idea is to release sections of it with other sections labeled as "Hidden" until I believe they're ready for the whole community.

This White Book contains everything from the LeoFinance history to the future roadmap to the multi-year plan for DeFi expansion (CUB), our new mobile app and much much more.

There's so much information in there about the history, current status and future vision of the project. We'll likely release it in "docs site" format in the near future. It will also take on Neal's idea and be released in "chapters" with many sections hidden until public announcements (i.e. mobile app details, ___, etc.) are ready.

I can already hear the wens of readers who look at the future plans

Tomorrow's AMA

Tomorrow's LeoFinance x CUB AMA will take place at Noon EST. See you there!



LeoFinance is a blockchain-based social media community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC and ETH blockchains. Our flagship application: allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

DeFi PlatformTokenized BloggingTrack Hive Data
Cub FinanceLeoFinance BetaHivestats
Native DEXWrapped LEO (ETH)Hive Node
LeoDexwLEO On UniswapWitness Vote

Earn a 16% APR on HIVE POWER and Support LeoInfra's Onboarding Efforts by Delegating HP to @leo.voter (Currently at 2M HP). We Use this to Claim Accounts and Delegate RCs to Newly Onboarded Users + Daily LEO Payouts to Delegators