Introducing pHIVE | Bridging the Hive Ecosystem to Polygon


The mission of LeoFinance as a Web3 Ecosystem is to democratize access to financial knowledge and opportunities. With pHBD (launched 2 weeks ago) we aimed to solve the #1 issue facing mass adoption for HBD: onramp and offramp liquidity. pHBD is already at $370k in liquidity and continues to rise each day.

pHIVE is our latest branch from Hive to the Polygon Blockchain. pHIVE is the wrapped version of HIVE and is 1:1 backed by native HIVE on the Hive blockchain.

Why pHIVE?

Bridging ecosystems together accomplishes two major things:

  1. For PolyCUB, it generates massive Value Accrual through the DAO-operated bridge
  2. For Hive, it creates an onramp and offramp for users to flow in and out of the ecosystem. Yet another exchange listing on a decentralized exchange (Sushiswap) where users can freely transact and provide liquidity to earn yield in the form of POLYCUB

Creating a deep pHBD and pHIVE pool is one of our core focuses right now. After launching pHBD, we realized that there is massive value for the Polycub Protocol if we allow our multi-token bridge thesis to play out. pHBD generates a ton of wrapping fees, arbitrage revenue and overall value accrual for the PolyCub protocol. In exchange for this value accrual, PolyCUB protocol pays POLYCUB to all liquidity providers on

pHIVE works exactly the same.

V2 Vaults: A Complete 180 Degree Shift in PolyCUB's Future

When we launched pHBD, our vision of vaults on the platform was radically reshaped. In the first day, pHBD generated more protocol value accrual than all Kingdoms combined at the height of TVL ($6M+). This showed us the future of the platform in a completely new light.

Instead of offering "V1" vaults (Kingdoms) that only had 1 method of value accrual, we saw that the future was in deploying these V2 vaults that offer PolyCUB 5 methods of Value Accrual.

PolyCUB Vault V1: (Kingdoms)

  • insert_kingdom_asset (i.e. WETH-WBTC or Aave Stablecoins) generates management fees (10% of all yield) = value accrual for PolyCUB PoL

PolyCUB Vault V2: (Multi-Token Bridged Assets)

  • insert_hive_asset (i.e. pHIVE or pSPS, etc.) - held as 1:1 collateral for the wrapped equivalent - staked on native platform (i.e. HIVE POWER or SPS staking on = value accrual for PolyCUB's PoL
  • insert_hive_asset 0.25% wrap and unwrap fee = value accrual for PolyCUB's PoL
  • insert_hive_asset cross-chain arbitrage = value accrual for PolyCUB's PoL
  • insert_hive_asset-POLYCUB = utility for people to buy POLYCUB to LP against - their insert_hive_asset = value accrual for PolyCUB's PoL
  • insert_hive_asset-POLYCUB holders need to buy more POLYCUB to stake as xPOLYCUB to control governance and drive insert_hive_asset-POLYCUB vault yield higher

How to Wrap and Unwrap pHIVE

pHIVE is 1:1 backed with native HIVE on the Hive blockchain. You can get pHIVE by wrapping native HIVE into pHIVE using

  2. Enter your Polygon Receiving Address
  3. Enter the amount to wrap
  4. Done


How to Provide Liquidity and Earn Yield on pHIVE


Yields are going to be incredibly high as people compete to get into the pHIVE-POLYCUB vault to earn. You can join this vault by providing liquidity to pHIVE-POLYCUB:

  1. Click "Get PHIVE-POLYCUB" or follow this link:
  2. Provide pHIVE-POLYCUB tokens as liquidity
  3. Once confirmed, come back to and click "Enable" to unlock the vault
  4. Once the vault is unlocked, click "Stake" to add your LP tokens to the vault and start earning

V2 Vaults: The Future

V2 vaults offer a glimpse into the future of PolyCUB. We're building the most sustainable DeFi platform on the planet one step at a time. V1 vaults only had 1 method of value accrual while V2 vaults like pHIVE-POLYCUB have 5 methods of value accrual.

The excitement over the launch of pHBD and pHIVE has been incredible. We're offering the opportunity for Hive to get into the hands of a whole new generation of Hivers.

With pHIVE and pHBD as the potential onramps, our goal is to continually market the Hive ecosystem to the Polygon ecosystem through DeFi and bring them in to the world of blogging, P2E and everything else that the Hive ecosystem has to offer.

Hive is an incredible ecosystem. One of the things that it lacks is simply awareness about how awesome it is. Our goal is to change that.

The Community

The LeoFinance community will undoutedly release dozens of tutorials and explanations about pHIVE. We'll edit this post and link the best ones here so that you can learn about how to use pHIVE and why its such a massive opportunity for PolyCUB and Hive.

About LeoFinance

LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

Our mission is to put Web3 in the palm of your hands.


Our Hive Applications

Join Web3:
LeoMobile (IOS):
LeoMobile (Android):
Delegate HIVE POWER: Earn 16% APR, Paid Daily. Currently @ 2.8M HP
Polygon HBD (pHBD):

Web3 & DeFi

Web3 is about more than social media. It encompasses a personal revolution in financial awareness and data ownership. We've merged the two with our Social Apps and our DeFi Apps:

CubFinance (BSC):
PolyCUB (Polygon):
LEO Wrapping Bridge:

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