Introducing INLEO's New Onboarding Protocol for Hive

We've just released the completely redesigned and revamped onboarding protocol on INLEO. It starts with the all-new login page which has been redesigned from scratch to be far more intuitive, clean and modern.

Moving from there, you have the completely rebuilt onboarding protocol for new Hive account signups.

These Signups offer Lite accounts or Hive full accounts.

In this post, we'll explore the new onboarding protocol, talk about why we built it and the future of onboarding new users to our incredible platform built on the Hive Blockchain.

New Login Page

The new login page was completely rebuilt from scratch. If you recall, the old one was clunky and not very modern. We always referred to it as a placeholder login sequence. It had all the info and buttons you needed, but it lacked a modern & elegant design.

The new page is both sleek and functional. If you haven't tried logging in using it yet, we highly recommend giving it a try.

As always, if you find any issues with it or have any other feedback, don't hesitate to post a thread and use the hashtag "#feedback" when you do! Our team watches that feed and will update our roadmap accordingly.

New Sign Up Page

One word: Simplicity.

That's what comes to mind when you see our new sign up page and that is exactly what we had in mind when we designed and built it.

Simplicity is key for any new user. We want them to be treated to a refined sign up / login experience. Our goal is not to bombard them with information.

Rather, we want to offer them a few simple options. All they have to do is choose the one that sounds most convenient.

Signing up with X or with Google will initiate our innovative Hive Lite Account onboarding sequence.

We've rebuilt this entire sequence and have been actively beta testing and bug fixing the account creation process.

Our goal is that in 30 seconds or less, a new user can be signed up and using INLEO to make Threads or Blog Posts directly on the Hive blockchain.

Lite Accounts don't require you to download your keys right away. Instead, they are encrypted and can only be decrypted by the user who created that account using their X or Google account to verify that it's them.

These Lite Accounts are FULL Hive accounts but they are not self-custodied. That is why we refer to them as Lite Accounts. At any time, a new user can claim the keys with our new claim key process.

This new process simultaneously changes the keys to their account and downloads the new ones. This ensures that there are no fragments of data left on our servers with their keys. They have a brand new keystore file and can download something like Hive Keychain for ease of access to any other Hive dApp.

Selecting "Create Hive Account" on our signup window will initiate the creation of a "Full Hive Account"

By using X or a Phone Number, a user can create a full Hive account. This is a self-custodied Hive account and it will require that they download and securely store their keys right off the bat.

We don't recommend this option for brand new users. Especially ones who are unfamiliar with private keys. Instead, we hope to point them to Lite Accounts and then over time, educate them to self-custody by claiming their keys through our wallet claim process.

All Set

Simplicity is key and this sign up sequence proves it. It's just a few steps of entering a username, verifying with X or Google and then you are literally signed up and immediately signed in to the Hive Blockchain.

  1. No Password
  2. No Private Keys

That's the beauty of a Lite Account using our onboarding protocol. It's simple, easy and intuitive. In fact, it is just as easy as any other Web2 platform.

The key difference? The user gets a REAL Hive account. They just don't hold the keys yet. Once they're ready, we shuffle them into the Claim Key process which is actually super simple, but requires they learn a few lessons about key management as well as the various private keys on Hive.

Ready to Onboard?

We've been refining this sign up and login sequence by pushing bugs and updating the designs. We've pushed this into Open Beta testing on our UI as of today and we are looking for more active testers to give us feedback.

If you are able to or know someone who is able to, please try our new onboarding protocol and let us know if you find any bugs or issues in the sequence. We're aiming to build a seamless end-to-end experience that allows any new user to sign up completely hassle-free.... we need your help to finish!

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