Threads is Crucial for the Growth of LeoFinance



LeoFinance just solve its growth problem...

Let's face it. LeoFinance could be considered a very niche platform that is only for a certain type of individual looking for finance related content. This narrative shifted a tad with the introduction of Community Pages, which allows us moderators to curate content for specific topics such as Ethereum. Unfortunately, this just isn't enough to onboard the masses, because not everyone is looking to consume or create finance/crypto related content. That's totally fine, and the beautiful thing is, the Leo team recognizes that.

The Leo team also recognizes that every user is not here to create or consume long-form content. It's simply something that is not appealing to a large number of users. I personally know people that can't read more than a couple sentences unless it's something that they're very interested in. This is just how we are as humans. We gravitate toward what we know. We create the kind of content that we would consume, at least generally speaking. If someone wants to read content about painting, they aren't going to go to LeoFinance.

This narrative has also shifted, or at least is starting to. With the introduction of Threads, which is LeoFinance's version of Twitter on Hive... We can see that the way people use the Hive blockchain as a whole is starting to change as more people discover Threads. Personally speaking, Threads breathed new life into my use of Hive as I have been a little burned out on creating longer form content lately. Threads is true micro-blogging on Hive via the LeoFinance front end.


As you can see by looking at the stats, I have consistently been in the top 3 threaders. Of course I could really go hard and try to compete for that number 1 spot, but I think @forexbrokr deserves it. He has consistently been Threading and using the platform more than I've seen others even consider. I use it every day for a few reasons. Number 1 reason - it feels a whole lot more natural than creating long form content. When I go to create a Thread, I don't even really think about it. Half the time, my spelling or grammar is pretty bad. That's the point. It's chill.

Threads is where I go when I want to share pictures of dogs or thoughts I have while in the shower. Threads is the first place I go when I wake up in the morning or stay up until the sun comes up. I always make sure to create a Thread in the morning if my time allows it because it makes me feel more connected. My point is - you aren't going to wake up and create an 800 word post before you get out of the bed. You're going to create a Thread and share a thought or just say "GM:FRENS".

This different style of use for the Hive blockchain is something that is going to push forward the adoption of LeoFinance. We just have to get people to realize that LeoFinance is for everyone at this point. Want the alpha on crypto stuff? Cool, you can get it. Want cat pics or memes? Cool, you can get it on Threads. Threads makes using the Hive blockchain for social media purposes like Twitter so easy it's insane. You click Thread, type a though or share a pic, and then submit. In under a second, your microblog is on the chain.


Earning the LEO token is now easier than ever but harder to sell. This is a great thing for the price of the token in the long run. Over 75% of the LEO token supply is staked as LEO Power and earning curation rewards. Buybacks of the LEO token are set to start soon, with the massive amount of advertising revenue from Threads. We've at minimum seen an increase of 2x the advertising revenue just with the few people that are using Threads on a daily basis. Imagine once we have thousands or even 100 thousand users on Threads.

The cool thing about all this is - it could happen. LeoFinance before the launch of Threads was a bit of a niche platform that was a little hard to onboard new users to. With the addition of Threads, literally any Twitter user could create an account with their existing Twitter account and start earning LEO tokens. In under a minute, said user could start creating the same type of content they do on Twitter with the potential to earn rewards.

This is the beginning of the next phase for LeoFinance and Hive as a whole. Are you Threading?


Article written by: @l337m45732 AKA 0xNifty.nft

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