LBI earnings and holding REPORT - #39

Welcome to this weeks LBI token earnings and holding post


What is LBI?
The LeoBacked Investment (LBI) token is the first of its kind, the 1st token to be valued completely in LEO. Each LBI token represents a percentage ownership in the overall fund including all LEO, HIVE, off-chain and wallets operated by @lbi-token. The goal is to provide a community based and ran investment vehicle focused primarily on the LeoFinance community and LEO token. We provide a weekly LEO dividend payment to all token holders whilst also increasing the value of the LBI token slowly but consistently over the long term by only investing into things that will stand the test of time.

LBI is a long term HODL token based on SPI's model. Because these tokens are backed and valued in their primary assets, the value only increases. Think of it as putting $1000 in the bank and earning interest. In theory, you should never have fewer dollars. The $1000 is the LEO you give us to buy your LBI token and the interest is the earnings we produce with that LEO.



Another fantastic week of earnings for LBI. We have earned over 2000 LEO this week for the second week running. You can see from the red number in LEO curation, we get a double payout 1 day so next week, we can expect to see earning of between 1800-2000.


The top chart is this week, the bottom chart is a total of over 39 weeks.


The total amount LBI has earned to date is 55,481.99 giving us a weekly average of 1422 LEO. If we see a big price jump for LEO over the coming weeks, we can guess that our HIVE will be worth less LEO and earning to decline a little.




Decided this week to do a small experiment to find out what LBI's LEO cashflow
is like. I have powered up all the LEO in the account to get our liquid balance back to 0. This time next week when the report is uploaded, we all see how much LEO LBI has to invest from the 1700-2000 LEO earned each week.


Bought another 100 UTOPIS as the price was at 3 HIVE each. We collected 27.69 SPS from our DEC/BUSD LP on CUBfinance and converted that into HIVEp.


We harvested around 200 CUB's this week. 100 went into the DEC/BUSD LP and the other 100 went into the BTC/BNB kingdom. The price of ETH is up on last week but everything else is around the same. The value of this wallet has not changed that much from last week. It's worth a little less in terms of LEO because LEO is up around 2 cents from last week but we're not hurting.


Growth has slowed down this week, it even goes a little backwards. This is the result of LEO increasing a few cents. We're still on the trending line so we're still growing at the average rate. Nothing to panic or worry about.



LBI token price
Total assets worth in LEO
334,427.89 LEO

Total LBI tokens circulating

LBI token price - 1.47 LEO


The LBI token price has taken a hit this week to the tune of 0.03 LEO. We are still beating the average and this weeks candle is still over the line see we're winning.


That is it for our 39th week. After 3/4 of the first year, tokens are worth 47% more than they were on launch and token holders have started to receive weekly dividends worth an additional 22% per year based on this week's earnings.

Can complain with that.

Thanks for checking this weeks report, i hope you have a great weekend.


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