Results of the 3rd votation on Weekly Dividends


[Authored by @empoderat]

Dear LBI holders,

According to the last post, I'm sharing the results of the last votation (in voting order):


Please kindly check for any transcription error (check VOTING POWER & YES/NO vote, a slight variation of total LBI aren't important unless it changes the power).

In case you need to remember the voting weights for every tranche:

1/ 10-99 LBIs will earn a vote equal to 1
2/ 100-499 LBIs will earn a vote equal to 2
3/ 500-2,499 LBIs will earn a vote equal to 3
4/ 2,500-9,999 LBIs will earn a vote equal to 4
5/ 10,000+ LBIs will earn a vote equal to 5

According to these votes, the final results are in:


The 'NO' wins.

This means Dividends will start rolling as soon as 1st of August.

  • 50% of weekly earnings will be shared as dividends from now onwards.
  • 40% will be reinvested (same as before).
  • 10% will be paid to @spinvest-leo as a management fee.

Final Observations

As a numbers guy, I like to observe data and extract additional conclusions.

It's curious to see how ~114K LBI participated in the votation. And from this 114K, ~100K voted for the NO, and the 14K remaining vote for the YES.

It's a big disparity to see that ~15% of the voting LBI involved accounted for ~40% of the voting power.

Why is this? Because a lot of small votes matter much more than a single vote from a big whale. Seems that most of the big holders voted for NO while the smaller ones voted for the YES.

This proves that even the tiniest holder matters (unlike in legacy systems), so no matter what, try to always vote!

Have a great day and thanks to everyone for their participation.

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