All LBI token holders - Please VOTE!

Authored by @silverstackeruk

Welcome to the first post from @spi-gov

As we vote on which governance model and how long governance team terms will last, we can do a simple YES/NO vote that a lot of tokens holders have expressed options about. This will also promote this account so when real governance voting begins the account will not be starting from a 25 rep and of course, please follow this account @lbi-gov if hold LBI tokens to ensure to have the best chance of not missing out on anything.


It was mentioned in an earlier post of the possibility to postpone the LBI weekly dividends payments which were planned to start this coming Tuesday, the 5th of Jan. By holding off on paying out LEO dividends for a few months, we can reinvest 100% of earnings back into LBI which will increase the token price a little faster and give us a more solid foundation to start off. A lot of people liked this idea so I think we should put it to the quick vote.

  • Voting for this will last 1 week from the upload.
  • Results will be uploaded the day after voting finishes
  • If NO wins, we start paying dividends on the 12th Jan
  • If YES wins, we continue to reinvest 100% of earnings and vote again in 3 months

If no wins, we will pay out LBIs first weekly dividend on the 12th Jan. That would be 50% of earnings be split up between token holders, 40% going to reinvestment and 10% going to spinvest-leo for SSUK's services.

If yes wins, we can review our position every 3 months and decide when its time for LBI to start issuing dividends. The longer we hold off, the stronger the foundation is for the project as we will power up more LEO faster which will yield us better rewards long term. I should also point out that the 10% SPinvest fee for SSUK's services will not come in effect until dividends begin based on it's only fair to not pay a fee if token holders are not receiving dividends.

Should LBI propone weekly dividends for 3 months?

Please comment either...

  • YES
  • NO

to submit your vote


Voting Weights
LBI governance voting is based on weighted voting tiers dependent on your LBI holding. We have 5 tiers ranging from 10 tokens worth 1 vote to 10k+ worth 5 votes.

1/ 10-99 LBIs will earn a vote equal to 1
2/ 100-499 LBIs will earn a vote equal to 2
3/ 500-2,499 LBIs will earn a vote equal to 3
4/ 2,500-9,999 LBIs will earn a vote equal to 4
5/ 10,000+ LBIs will earn a vote equal to 5

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