Would You Live in a Pre-Fab Tiny Home?

Technology truly is amazing. We've got smartphones that are getting better by the day, computers beyond anything I would have imagined, and cars that can drive themselves. Houses are evolving too.


Foldable Homes

Something that has been on my mind a lot lately is foldable homes. I've seen a few different companies in the past trying to make this a reality. As a minimalist from the middle of nowhere, I don't want a big house. I don't need anything fancy. I just need a place that's peaceful that has everything I need. Nothing extra. I'd be totally fine in a tiny house with my wife and dog.

BOXABL was the first company that I ever heard about working on developing small houses that literally unfold right on your property. I heard about them what feels like years ago, and the thing that really got me was how cheap these homes were. For $50,000 you can have a whole house delivered and unfolded anywhere in about an hour. That just absolutely blew my mind, like how the hell can a house fold up?


Not only are these homes extremely affordable, but they're ready to go "right out of the box". Complete with a full--sized kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom. It seems to indicate that they even come furnished. What a deal! I think these things are even finally starting to ship, so if this looks like your dream home, or just a cool guest house... You can join the waitlist for free, put down a $200 deposit, or put down a $5,000 deposit to get a discount. Definitely a future option for me. Hell, even Elon Musk lives in one and he's a billionaire!

Another company I read about recently was Brette Haus. A German company doing something similar with a bit of a twist. They offer a tiny foldable house for as little as $22,000! Have you ever looked into buying a house? That price is absolute madness.


Obviously this is not a long term living solution for most people, but some could make it work. For when you need the absolute minimum, or you want to be able to move your house easily... This is a great solution. They also don't look that bad. More than likely, not pre-furnished so you'd have to deal with finding the ideal furniture. At a price like that though, your budget for furnishings is not going to be a problem.

Want a slightly bigger house that can be more of a long term option? The second tier is just that - around $44,000 and you get a fully customizable living space that can be placed almost anywhere. Imagine gabbing some land in the woods and one of these bad boys equipped with solar panels and satellite internet. You'd be set. Foldable homes are so amazing to me.


Pre-Fab Homes

Another thing that has always been very attractive to me as someone that currently rents an apartment is pre-fab homes. The company Dwell is really pushing the boundaries with their new homes. You can get a really nice pre-furnished home delivered to you for under $70,000. When you think about the amount of money you can spend on furniture and appliances, that starts to sound really good. Buying a house can be very expensive, and you have to worry about potential repairs and renovations. Not with one of these. They're ready to go and way more affordable.


Not only are these a great option for minimalists, but they make the home buying process super simple. I've never gone through the process of buying a house myself, but I have friends that do real-estate and I've heard the worst stories about the buying process. All that gets eliminated wit ha solution like this where you more than likely place your order online and don't have to deal with a person trying to get a bigger commission on the house you buy.

We've already seen the emergence of the ability to buy a car completely online. Why not houses too? It should be as simple as placing an order for groceries or food. Obviously, that's over-simplification but you get what I'm saying. We're in 2022 and technology is moving and evolving faster than ever. Some things just have yet to catch up with the times, and a lot of those things will eventually die. We live in a digital age and there's almost no way around that.

Could you live in a tiny house like this? What are your thoughts?


Thanks for reading! Much love.

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