The Importance of Giving

It's the middle of the night and I have been doing a lot of self reflecting. Not just now but a lot recently. I guess that's what happens when you're getting older. You start to evaluate yourself more based on things you've done and been through. We've all been through a lot of shit. Some of us a lot more than others. We've all been happy, we've all struggled, we've all felt depressed, hell some of us may be depressed right now.


I'm also very stoned so I'm gunna ramble.

As I've gotten older I've started to understand that a lot of what you get in life is what you give. Spread positivity and you will receive positivity. It's like the law of attraction. Manifest your destiny or whatever. I've learned to give more than I take and that's helped me grow a lot. Not just in life but also in the metaverse. Here on Hive. I try to make a it a goal every day to make at least one person laugh or smile. I try to give away NFTs to people that have never had one.

I spend a lot of time trying to help others whether it be with crypto or whatever. I just want to give. I may not have a lot myself but I want others to feel special. I'll never forget the moment I was given my first NFT. Some generous person on the internet that had never met or spoken to me had given me something. How many people on the street that you meet or pass by would just stop and give you something? Not for gain or an attempt to profit, but just to give.

In order to receive, we must give. In order to give, we must receive. There's a community here on Hive that's very connected. People you've never met, people that you don't know what to call other than their username like @readthisplease, and just overall amazing people. Everyone here is so willing to help. So willing to teach. So willing to just give. That's something very special.

I guess this is kind of an appreciation post for Hive. All you beautiful people have been a beacon of light in my life whether you commented on one of my 3d printing posts or just gave an upvote. Those things are meaningful. They are forever. Recorded on the Hive blockchain forever. Every vote, every comment, every freebie you send someone... Inscribed forever on the blockchain til the end of time. How fucking special is that?

We're not just building a community. We're building a god damn legacy here people. Something that's going to live on forever. Something near and dear to a lot of people. This platform has changed people's lives. Forever writtin in the blockchain as history. Forever written in time. All the love you spread and support you give will live on so make sure you do it as much as possible.

I'm gunna give 3 random people that comment random free NFTs. I haven't decided which ones but they'll be awesome. All you need is a wax wallet. If you don't have one, let me know. I'll help you get set up. All you have to do is comment. Maybe tag someone you support? Tag your Hive frens and tell em you appreciate them.

Love you, frens.


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