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Rising Star - How do?


I hope you're doing well today. I woke up with a bit of a cold. Hopefully that's all it will be because I feel like absolute ass. I wasn't going to write a post today, but I decided that I had to. I have been trying to post every single day so I am not going to let a runny nose and cough stop that. I decided to check out Rising Star after kind of giving up on it like 6 months ago. I hit a peak at the time and had a lot of shit going on to the point where I couldn't really play many games. Oh, by the way I am on the edge of passing out as I am very doped up from cold medicine so enjoy me probably making less sense as this post goes on.

So much new shit

I just wanted to give these guys a shoutout. They have continued to do cool shit with music and NFTs. Just doing some exploring on the site, I found that you can now pay to have your music minted as NFTs in Rising Stars. I've always loved how they let independent artists have their music played on the site, and I've even used it. I make dumb funny music and this platform was a way for me to get people to hear it. I won't get into my music right now but maybe one day. I also love the card crafting and all the new instruments.

Multi Chain?!!

What is this?? I LOVE WHEN GAMES SUPPORT MULTIPLE CHAINS. Just look at that shit. WAX, binance smart chain, Polygon, AND Avalanche! This is key for onbaording new players. I'm not sure the game can be played with different chains, but packs can definitely be purchased on different blockchains. Can someone enlighten me?

Ok I'm getting really sleepy and this post is turning to shit rambling.

Good night

see you tomorrow