RE: The Everything App – Who Makes it better? (Elon Musk’s Twitter VS Leofinance’s Project Blank)

To be realistic, it seems impossible.

However, there's nothing so impossible in this world where things happen surprisingly, especially when the product is a perfect answer or solution to a problem + good & strategic marketing.

Just like I said in this post, if Leothreads can gather 1/100th of Twitter's present active daily users, then Leothreads has achieved a great feat.

Vast population on social media aren't bothered about Blockchain, neither are they concerned about the Web 2 & web3 fight or the Centralization and Decentralization dichotomy.

They are just interested in a Social Media that works well for them. So, if Leothreads addresses this and markets the product like this... we will get a wider audience.

Blockchain integration and all the beauty will be an icing to the cake.

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