The X-Factor, APR and Your Piece of the Pie

When you look at CubDeFi farms and dens, the first thing you might notice is the order that farms and dens appear on each respective page, and that CUB comes first! While the APR is what you want to pay attention to, it's not what's determining which den or farm appears before any others.

At first glance you see that each CUB farm and den has the highest ##x multiplier than the others on the page. The BUSD farm has the highest with 50X, followed by the BNB farm at 34X and then the CUB den at 15X.


These are also the only farms and dens with the glowing borders. The X-multiplier determines how much of the newly minted CUB token gets distributed across the CubDeFi system. I call it the x-factor.

As of March 29, they are:





There is 1 CUB created per block, every 3 seconds. If you add up all the x-factors across the farms and dens, the total is 140. Prior to the recent changes in x-factors on the CUB farms and dens, the total was still 140. I'm not sure if this will always be a constant.

That means, the farm with the highest x-factor, the CUB-BUSD farm, with an x-factor of 50x, has a weight of 50/140. This farm gets 0.35714285714285714285714285714286 of the CUB each block. This CUB gets distributed to everyone in that farm based on the percentage of stake they have. The same applies to each farm and den, where you divide the x-factor by 140.


The APR is the same for everyone but the amount you get in that farm or den is always based on how much USD value you have staked. If we continue to use the CUB-USD farm as an example, you can use a site to estimate how much CUB you're going to get earn each day.

Go to and connect your metamask wallet, then put in the MasterChef address 0x227e79c83065edb8b954848c46ca50b96cb33e16 and soon you will see how much your CubDeFi stake is worth in USD.

Let's say you have $10,000 in the BUSD farm.

Head over to the farm you want to check and click this icon in teh APR section:

What you need to do is take the USD value you have staked, then divide it by $1,000, then multiply it by the amount of CUB you get per $1,000. This gives you how much you will make in that time period (according to the current APR which changes all the time).

10000 / 1000 = 10
10 * 5.34 = 53.4

At the current APR, with a USD stake of $10,000, you will get about 53.4 CUB per day.

As more people invest in CubDeFi, more USD value gets "locked" in as stake, and whatever farm or den it's put into will drop the APR of that respective farm or den. You can always extract your stake at any moment, there is no 1 month or 13 month wait.

As the value of CUB goes up, the APR goes up. As the value of CUB goes down, the APR goes down.

EDIT: I forgot to specifically mention, that when you enter the den or farm, you are increasing the total stake there, and as a consequence the APR will go down as well. The larger your stake, the more the APR will go down.

How did the X-factor get decided for each farm/den?

I don't know how the initial X-factors where determined. Clearly, to incentivize people to use CUB in CubDeFi, it makes sense to put the highest X-factor on the farms and dens that had CUB required as part of their staking mechanism.

Why is BTCB at 2x? Why is the DEC-BUSD LP at 3x? Why is the BTCB-BNB LP at 6x? Why is the USDT-BUSD LP at 4x?

Maybe someone who comes across this post will be able to alleviate my ignorance and provide me with some accurate knowledge as to what determines the X-factor. Even if you don't know, please go ahead and share your thoughts on what you think determines the X-factor ;) Peace.

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