Timestope - Mine "τ" from your smartphone

Welcome to my blog everyone.

Life is crazy nowadays and everyone's time is so limite but WHAT IF you could earn something for every single second you are alive and breathing? That would be awesome right?

That's where Timestope comes in

I discovered https://www.timestope.com/ earlier today and after doing a little bit of research I decided to try it out.


How Timestope works

The concept is simple.
Just like Pi Network, you log in to the Timestope app once a day, click on the "τ" icon at the center of your screen and earn 24τ/day (1τ every hour).

Witnesses (people who mine τ) can invite other people to the app. You can't sign up if you do not have a witness code.

Miners earn 60% of the "τ" they produce and the other 40% goes to the witness that invited them. Just keep in mind that once you join you are a witness too and you can start inviting people so you can earn more "τ".

According to Timestope's whitepapper, each person earns 14,4 τ/day and 9,6 τ/day for each person they invite.
Read the whitepapper here :

There is also a points system. Each users starts with 100. You'll earn 2 points when you mine daily and you'll loose 3 points when you miss a day.

You can find the app at Playstore. Just type Timestope and you are good to go. Unfortunatelly the iOS version is not yet ready.

How to Sign-Up

Click on the "New Account" option after downloading and launching the app and you will get re-directed to the sign up page. Timestope app will also ask permission to access your camera and documents. I denied it and the app works like a charm.

Remember to save your Public and Private keys. If you loose them you loose access to your account.

This is how the Sign-up page looks like


If you decide to download and try out the app you have to add a "Witness" code. You can use mine and that's knowhow92

You also have to provide your full name and real information if you want to mine τ cause you'll need to fill in a KYC in the future if you want to withdraw your coins.

Sounds like these guys ask a lot of information right?

That's what I though but i said "f*ck it", I'm gonna give this one a try. I am using an old smartphone to mine so my keys and stuff are safe and I recommend you do the same guys! You never know what's gonna happen.

Timestope was launched a couple of months ago so "τ" coin has yet to be listed in any exchanges, same as "Pi". These minimng phone apps might be a complete waste of time OR the exact opposite! You might wake up one day and find yourself owning thousands of $$ in "τ".

In the end, it's just a couple of clicks every 24 hours so count me in!

100 #XTM Giveaway

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Wanna earn some free #Crypto in just 5 minutes? Then you should definitely join my #Giveaway.

100 #XTM will be sent to one lucky winner who signs up on https://www.torum.com/ through my invitation link and verify their account + we both earn 75 #XTM when you sign up through my link so it's a win-win for everyone!

Giveaway link :

Earn crypto for your creativity

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