My LBC (Library Credits) Earnings After 6 Months - Is it worth it?

Hello Everyone

It's been some time since I posted in leoFinance but I keep up with the updates and I am really happy to see all the progress that has been made (Wrapped Leo and Beta LeoFinance Site).

Kudos to the team and to all Lions in here.

So, I've been using for some months now (6 to be precice) and today I decided to unlock all the tips of my LBRY videos and show you guys my earnings so we can find out if it's worth the time.
Let's go

First things first

First and foremost, LBRY is a new protocol that allows anyone to build apps that interact with digital content on the LBRY network. Apps built using the protocol allow creators to upload their work to the LBRY network of hosts (like BitTorrent), to set a price per stream or download (like iTunes) or give it away for free (like YouTube without ads). The work you publish could be videos, audio files, documents, or any other type of file.
(Source :

As you can see, LBRY is a platform in which content creators earn LBC tokens for their digital work. What makes this platform awesome is the fact that if you have a Youtube channel all you have to do is sync your YT channel to LBRY and all your YT uploads will automatically shared in LBRY too.

Of course, you can also upload files directly to LBRY but if you don't have enough free time or if you have a shitty intenret connection like I do the "Youtube Partner Program" of LBRY will work like a charm.

Here is my LBRY Channel

Total lbc tips.png

As you can see, my LBRY earnings for the past 6 months are 1.46k LBC (1460 LBC). All these LBC come from people who decided to TIP me for my content. Also the more tips you have staked in a post, the easier it is for other people to find it so if I have an advice for you that is to "unlock" the tips from your older posts and add them as Support to your new posts.

Now, 1 LBC is worth around $0.03 the moment I am writing this post so my earnings are around $40. Is it worth it? HELL YEAH!

I literally do nothing and I made 40 bucks. Every time I share a new video on Youtube it is automatically shared in my LBRY channel too! I'll take them $40 thank you :D

LBRY also has some pretty sweet functions like the one bellow called "Creator Analytics".

creator analytics.png

You can see how many peoplehave subscribed to your channel the past week and how many views your videos received the past week (and also in total). The guys from LBRY also sent a weekly email to all content creators with more analitics and that's awesome.

Sign up on LBRY

If you want to sign up on LBRY you can use my affiliate link bellow

Our Skateboarding community on Hive called @Skatehive has also partenered up with LBRY skateboarding community and the guys over there ROCK.
Learn more about our partnership bellow

Thank you all for reading. As a full-time online hustler, supporting my content allows me to keep doing what I love.
Much love to everyone and always have fun.

Find me Here

🏡 Hive: @knowhow92
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