Over 43% of Total Splinterlands' Runi minted within 48 hours

Happy weekend to you great hivers. How are you grooving? It's a big relief for me to be out of work for these few days so I can focus on my personal development, and attend to the demands of family and friends. Moreover, I'll have some more time to engage Hive.

Splinterlands has been my home on hive. As I dashed into the Splinterlands discord to read my notifications, I noticed this powerful fun and wealth game had marked another great feat - Runi open mint.

Runi minting is live on opensea.

Runi minting is live on opensea in the last 46 hours. Read official announcement here from @splinterlands.

Runi has been trending on Opensea last weekend due to the allowlist mint and recently on Twitter as open minting went life. Anyone that is interested in Splinterlands game play would need to be involved in Runi as they would constitute super characters for Splinterlands battles.

I would personally want to own some runies but 0.38 ETH is no child's play in my environment at the present exchange rate. In fact 0.38 ETH is an equivalent of 10 months salary of a fresh university graduate like myself. I'm not giving up, I'll rent when it's time if I can't mint one.

2800 Runi minted already, Whao!

This was the surprise, that 2,800 Runies have been minted already. The volume of Runies minted is valued at 233 ETH in less than 48 hours. 2800 out of 6500 is 43.1 %. Really big number.

It looks like all 6,500 Runies will be minted in less than a week and that would be another big news for Splinterlands.

RUNI is Splinterlands' first generative NFT. It can also be used as a profile picture and the owner has full commercial rights to their Runi. The owner can be sold on th Ethereum blockchain and can be used in Splinterlands battles too. It can also be delegated to other Splinterlands players when staked in the game.

Runies would form a collection of super characters for Splinterlands battles with terrific stats and abilities.

RUNI collection stats

I'm proud to be a part of the Splinterlands community. The development of Runi is a masterpiece show of creativity and this continues to make Splinterlands the most popular Web3 game in the world.

With thousands of active players across the world, Splinterlands is heralded as one of the great pioneers in play-to-earn blockchain gaming. Be part of history by minting a unique one-of-a-kind Legendary character that will be playable within the game!

Who else is excited 😊 about Runi innovation and minting? I am!

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Thank you again to all the creators and developers on Hive. Thank you all my teachers here on Hive. Thank you for those who mark my scripts with their upvotes. I am happy to see that I am growing in understanding this environment, but more interesting is that I am paid to to learn on hive.

Thank you all, I love you.

I am @kingswill. Let's meet and greet.

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