RE: I've just hit 11K Hiver Power and you can too

Woo, congratulations man, very inspiring and insightful, I mean, I was hoping that Mr. Jacob's had in fact let you in on the secret of how fig rolls get made, I guess we'll have to wait for the next milestone post to explore that topic a bit more haha

Yeah, I'm the same, I grew naturally from 5 Hive all the way up to a cool 3,830HP. I've been buying some more very recently and by the 1st of July I'll be a Dolphin which is, as far as I know, 5,600. I still have a little bit more to buy to hit that goal, but that's the plan.

It's amazing to hear about your snowball effect, I've noticed the same thing. Hitting that first 1,000 was tough, but now I seem to be flying up. It's like the momentum just keeps it going.

Also, I've been wanting to build up my HBD savings, but want to hit some HP goals first. So I'm focused on that for the time being, I know it's 3.009% APR on HP, but that's only if it's there and you're not voting. You also have curation APR which can be anywhere from 0 - 10% (I don't know if curation APR can go higher than 10%) but, regardless, I think that means that HP APR and curation APR can be as high as 13%, which obviously isn't as good as 20%, but still.

What I've actually decided to do is focus my attention on HP, and when everything picks up and Hive is matching HBD or better yet, higher than it, I'd power down some of it and then put that into savings. Then the HBD interest could grow and be withdrawn to replace the HP that was initially taken out.

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