Promoting Hive at the Breathe! Conference in Vegas Last Week


Breathe! was a blast! We had a huge booth for Hive along with some main stage promotions and logos all over the place. You couldn't miss Hive and her dApps if you were at Breathe! this past week.

I went to Vegas for 4 days, the conference events consisted of 3 of those days. This was the first in-person meetup I've done with other Hivers.

Having been here for so long, I have known a lot of them for 5+ years and seeing them in person was a blast.

I just wanted to share some photos and experiences we had this past week. We did a ton of great networking for Hive and all of the amazing apps here and I got a bunch of leads for new onboards - stemming from Radio personalities to elite business professionals who are interested in creating a Hive Community on to serve as an alternative to their Facebook Group.

p.s. if any of the pictures are a little blurry, I apologize. The upload was slow - if I get some better quality upload links, I'll drop them in the comments.

Shoutout to Crim


@crimsonclad is the GOAT for putting all of this on. So much work goes on behind the scenes that nobody really sees. I don't even know how many hours Crim spent on all of this but it must've been insane. None of it would be possible without her organizing things and of course, the Valueplan initiative on Hive. There's always gonna be some level of controversy around things like this, but having seen it in person - I can say that it is a massively beneficial thing for Hive.

I hope to see Crim put on more events like this for Hive and all the dApps to go out on the road and make connections. Personally speaking, I met some awesome leads and have meetings set up all this week and next to discuss bringing their projects to Hive in some form - whether as a community or as a new dApp launch. @anomadsoul and I will be slaving away on Zoom calls.


Crim on-stage giving a speech about Hive, Web3 and decentralized social media.

Mitch & I At the Leo Booth


Here's Mitch and I at the Leo Booth. We were surrounded by our fren dApps on Hive and it was awesome to get to talk to people who streamed in and out of the Hive booth.

I spent some time at other booths as well just to get a feel for how we stacked up to other Crypto projects. This is going to be no shock to anyone on Hive but we are truly amazing and unique. Most other crypto projects have 1/100th to offer people than we did.

Everyone who came by and asked about what Hive was, what LEO was and what all the dApps were quickly found out that we had a huge ecosystem.

Most of the people I talked to were blown away but what Hive is and how all of our dApps have created amazing (and importantly - real, functional) applications.

We got a ton of leads and sign ups to Hive using the QR codes I brought to the table.

The Hive Booth


I captured this before everything started getting crazy. The Hive booth looked awesome. All the card designs were great and we even had this red carpet that Crim managed to finesse.

The Hive booth popped way more than any other booth on the floor. I think we also had the largest booth since all the dApps had a section within it as well.

People flocked to the Hive booth to see what it was all about. At certain times, we had 20-30+ people asking directly about Hive and what all of it was.

Post-Conference Fun

After the conference, a bunch of us went out for some drinks and chatter. We hit some casinos and some clubs. We had a great time.

Here's a pic of Starkerz, Ben, Mitch and I having a drink at Resort World.


It ended up being a long night, a few of us were still out drinking until 9 AM 😂

That was Vegas! Like I said - tons of fun and tons of leads. We have a lot of calls lined up to onboard some communities Hive and we'll announce the details of that very soon. I have one confirmed already with a community of 3,000 people in it! They said to expect a minimum of 100 of them to be daily active users on the community on Hive from day 1.

Much to come, also - see y'all at Hivefest in less than 1 week!

Want to Help Us Double the Userbase of Hive?

Our DHF Proposal is aimed at driving new users to the Hive blockchain through a new onboarding funnel that we've built. Hive Lite Accounts allow these users to instanteously sign up to Hive. Then our UI guides them through creating Threads, Posts, Comments and giving out Upvotes. After a bit of time, the UI begins prompting them to take a course that we built and learn more about Hive. From there, users are driven to download their private keys (becoming a full, self-custodying Hiver). Afterwards, we send them to other Hive dApps where they can learn more and get deeply involved around Hive.

Our mission is to onboard 9,615+ new Hive Monthly Active Social Users. If you want to support us, please consider voting using the links below. If you want to learn more about the plans, the following reference links will take you to various aspects of the plan.


Learn More:

1- Proposal to Double the Hive Userbase
2- Overview of our Marketing Strategy
3- Traditional Marketing Plan
4- Collaboration Marketing Plan
5- Guerilla Marketing
6- Adoption Campaigns | Engaging, Retaining and Educating Thousands of Newly Onboarded Users
7- Influencer Marketing

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