LeoDex: The Road to Reach our Target Audience

Hi, everyone! The technical job behind LeoDex is really far along, we have most of the features we planed already enabled, and are working on improvements and the next round of features. We need the community to test it to keep the feedback coming.

In this clip:

  • LeoDex is ready to be promoted
  • Three audience segments: People swapping on Hive, Maya users swapping any assets, and the Splinterlands ecosystem
  • We need to start building volume to get the flywheel going
  • Creating awareness about LeoDex is crucial
  • Liquidity depth is enough to handle regular swaps
  • Content created by the community about LeoDex will be rewarded

LeoDex has three key audience segments: Hive swappers seeking seamless transactions, Maya users eager to swap any assets, and the vibrant Splinterlands ecosystem primed for decentralized exchanges.

We must kickstart that flywheel by building volume. LeoDex has enough liquidity to handle day-to-day swaps; there are people swapping $50 in CEX, and they could be doing it on LeoDex.

Awareness is the first step. We're on a mission to spread the word about LeoDex far and wide. The Hive community needs to know about LeoDex to be able to test it, and the more use we have from the community, the higher we can rank on Maya and attract the new users exploring the different UIs.

To create awareness, the content created by the community is really important. Try LeoDex, take videos, screenshots, share your articles, use the tag #leodex on them for the team to find your articles and reward them.

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