Not Stacking while silver is a Hot Buy

I am looking forward to @monsterjamgold's SGS football pool this fall season. I was hoping to draw the Buffalo Bills but then I drew another team instead. I'm sure Nyssacat was disappointed too. Having quickly rush through all five stages of Kubler-Ross grieving to accept potential cellar dweller, the Jags. All the places are picked and drawn, so if you are interested in the joining, sorry but its too late. Try again next year.


“Black birds tend to like shiny things” ~ The Bloody Raven

Being in the middle of a cash depleting but necessary home upgrade I am grieving of the lost stacking opportunities I had to forego in making my home safer for my tenant and my family. Compounding my financial situation is with my Tenant being in another rental I have lost the passive income until the suite is finished and hope my tenant isn't snatched away by another landlord. She is a dependable tenant and friend so I'd hate lose her.

The following gem of the latest "Stuck in my craw" silver that came up on my radar. Behold, The Game of Thrones - Three Eyed Raven!


From the Kitco web link;

The Three Eyed Raven 1 oz Silver Medallion is the second release in the new Game of Thrones™ Collection. This square badge features a detailed engraving of the omniscient Three Eyed Raven staring forward with wings spread, feathers turning into swords as they fall below. The obverse side of the medallion shows the engraved phrase “All Men Must Die” above the Game of Thrones™ logo. The all-silver appearance of the medallion gives the engravings ample opportunity to stand out...

At $95USD, 3000 one troy oz. pieces struck at the New Zealand mint and housed in a cool box I could almost hear a voice over my right shoulder saying, "This is your spirit bird cawing, it has a very strong Chi, and it's 999 shiny! Buy me, buy"
"Aughh!" 😩

Well, stay tuned should there be further developments to my drama.

And it's #HPUD!

So let's keep it simple today with 101 Hive like last month.


There you have it. Mission accomplished and see you again on #hpud October 1st, 2022!

Not Stacking Gold and Silver, but Hive for that rainy day.”

The #piratesunday tag is the scurvy scheme of Captain @stokjockey for #silvergoldstackers pirates to proudly showcase their shiny booty and plunder for all to see. Landlubbers arrrh… welcomed to participate and be a Pirate at heart so open yer treasure chests an’ show us what booty yea got!

And ...

Thank you @traciyork, @hivebuz and a cast of generous contributors for this fun initiative of #hivepowerupday and #HivePUD. Even though I have crossed beyond the 8000 HP threshold in terms of eligibility I can still enjoy a bit of fun and participate.


My own pictures shot with a Samsung SM-A530W
P. Image under Pixabay
W. Wiki Commons
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