It won’t be Business as Usual and my September 15th LPUD

“Black birds tend to like shiny things.” ~ The Bloody Raven

A short post today.

My readers may have noticed my lack of activity over the last few weeks. Off-line life has taken a considerably higher priority what little motivation to write my usual piece plunged into a bottomless black hole. Comments, if any are oft left to a simple upvote when wit is not forth coming having stared at a given post for more than 20 minutes.

I still have plenty of material to continue my Republic of China series and some. It may have to wait. My latest acquisitions are a treasure trove of fun facts and figures that I could easily rationalize my debt payment plan being pushed back another three months. Deb saw through that. She knew this as a foolhardy act to conceal or coping in my grieving process rather than blame some Qing Stackitis variant.

A 4 piece shipment from HK Colonial Coin.

Deb said, “Take a break, I’m well taken care of her now so get something that you like rather than spent a lot of unproductive time with me while I sleep.” The powerful analgesics do make her sleep plenty. Leaving the Hospice, I now get this feeling of Separation anxiety. We’ve been together more than 20 years and I’m still not ready to let her go. The next few weeks will be emotionally rough.
It won’t be business as usual.

I’ll try my best to remain consistently active here and attempt not to hang a little black cloud over the community.

The Surrey Cancer Clinic.

My balance of liquid Leo tokens is a smide above 150 tokens with the help of a little exchnage of swap.hive, therefore I will power up the said balance with proof in the comments. Will that do? An afternoon Hazy pale ale is making me a bit well ...hazy.

I really shouldn’t indulge in libations as a cure for anxiety.
Makes a nice aromatic head though.

Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.❤

My crass advertising bit.

Stacking Hive, Leo, and more vintage Chinese silver for… for... that you know what.

The #piratesunday tag is the scurvy scheme of Captain @stokjockey for #silvergoldstackers pirates to proudly showcase their shiny booty and plunder for all to see. Landlubbers arrrh… welcomed to participate and be a Pirate at heart so open yer treasure chests an’ show us what booty yea got!


My own pictures shot with a Samsung SM-A530W
P. Image under Pixabay
W. Wiki Commons
☠️🎃 Page Dividers by thekittygirl. ❄️🌞

"I’m just a gal in black, not a bloody Financial Advisor!"

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