Protect yourself from scams and shams.


Scammers in whatever form they present themselves are perfecting the deceitful act of picking the pocket of people who are naive to the schemes used by these scammers. They are a huge reason why people who work so hard to earn end up losing it within the twinkle of an eye.

These things happen a lot and so many people fall victim to all categories of scams out there, whether online or offline. We can blame those people for being naive and some of them are blamed for being greedy. This in part is always the case with people who have been victimised by scammers. But, it's also worth knowing that nobody would consciously want to be scammed in any way.

I can still recall one of the incidents that played out when I was still actively job hunting. After applying for a particular job, I got a "Congratulations, you have been hired".

It was an exciting experience and I prepared to visit the organization on the day they asked me to come for documentation. When I got there on the said date, I saw a lot of people that came for the same reason. They came after receiving the text and we were all waiting to go ahead with the documentation.

The hall was filled with young lads and ladies who came to get a decent job. We all came to get work so we can use our paychecks to do nice things for our families. Long story short, it turned out that the whole "Congratulations, you have been hired" text was complete bloody bullshit.

These folks came and spoke for almost two hours about poverty and how we are in an era that has a different money-making model. I give it to them though... Their speech was quite compelling and I was just listening so, I wasn't losing so much. They only lost me when they started asking people to register in something I considered a pyramid scheme. At that very point, I knew they have gone way too far.

It was a desperate time for a lot of people that came to them and what was supposed to be the beginning of a role in an organization turned out to be an attempt to lure people into a Ponzi scheme, disguised as affiliate marketing.

After this disappointing turn of events, it didn't take much digging to later discover that the organization running this Ponzi scheme (investment scam) took off with people's money. It was a bizarre experience and the victims wailed endlessly.

It makes you think...

Scams can come in so many ways and the scams that takes place online is done by people who are really smart and ruthless. You just have to be very careful to avoid falling into their trap. Being victimized by scammers is never a good experience.

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