5,000 HP 🐬 I'm A Half-Dolphin Now!! 🌊

Well, I've finally reached another Hive milestone I thought previously impossible, I'm more than 50% of the way to dolphinhood.

I've had a lot of help along the way, and I'm blessed to have a few curators and whales that have boosted me thus far, otherwise I probably would've given up a long time ago already.

🎯 Gotta Have Goals 🥅

     I'm a little bit behind schedule, but I'm hoping to dolphin-ize before the end of 2020. Post payouts above $20 are a distant dream from many months ago, but I remain undeterred.

      Either way, I have found reasons to stay here this long, and even if this whole thing becomes a failed experiment, @Sreypov and the @KidSisters have learned computer skills that will last a lifetime.

a Western Union branch near our house in Paramaribo, Suriname

     As things have worsened in Suriname, we are still stranded here, and now 100% reliant on Western Union as the most efficient way and usually the only way to access our funds, albeit at huge losses.

     A positive spirit is the only thing we have control of in this time. We've lost our life savings in an exodus from Cambodia that landed us in Ecuador where we hoped to re-open our restaurant, but instead were robbed blind by our immigration lawyer, Joseph Guznay, who I can now name and shame as we are out of the country.

     COVID-19 has further wrecked our lives and hopes of financially recovering from this blunder while in Suriname.

stay distracted, stay distracted, stay distracted

🛃 Where is Home? 🏠

     I wish we had the luxury of struggling to make our monthly house payments and all the other things many people are able to do. Unfortunately we must have a place that will allow us to remain a family, have access to funds and participate in the local economy.

     We just want to save some money, live a happy life, and now it's not even important if we ever own land or a house, but that the @KidSisters have better life than us.

     Hive is a big part of that, and if we can ever get back to Cambodia or a much cheaper country than Suriname, we could have a shot at this dream still. Either way as long as the @KidSisters don't lose their password, they have a tiny portable financial safety net.

wait, wait and wait some more

     For now our home is the the queue, and as we watch Venezuelans go back home illegally by land through Guyana, we often wish we had a native country we could back to so easily.

     We hold the faith and stand firm, knowing there are big forces keeping us in Suriname for the foreseeable future, and it's our temporary home whether we want it or not.

🐝 Is Hive Home? 🍯

     We hold the faith and stand firm, knowing there are big forces keeping us in Suriname for the foreseeable future, and it's our temporary home whether we want it or not.

     This dysfunctional family on Hive is the most stable thing in our lives right now, and that is really hard to believe, but that's why we've put so much effort into it.

what a strange new world we are living in

     If we an ever get back to Cambodia some day, we'd love to open a language school again, but I'd love to have a computer room where we could teach 10-12 young Cambodians how to blog on Hive.

     If that dream is to ever come true, we'll need a powerful account to curate and give incentives to students, so perhaps we are laying that foundation here in Suriname, only time will tell.

     Thanks to all of you Hivers that have supported me this far, especially @Joshman who has gone above and beyond by setting me as a partial beneficiary on many recent posts, which will surely help me in my goal of reaching 10,000 HP before 2020.


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Monkey B


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