My INLEO Experience In April


The past few months have been filled with incredible experiences, researching new things to writing about interesting topics and brain cracking topics, as well as interacting with other users. For months now, inleo has been the game changer- bringing in new initiatives, and promoting the visions and missions of the front end. With the way things are going, it is safe to say I've become slightly obsessed with the front-end. No need to be worried, it's a good kind of obsession. In this post, I'll talk about Inleo performance this month.


It is no secret that updates are constantly rolling in the Inleo world. The Inleo team is always bringing us amazing updates that blend seamlessly with our world. The past 30 days have been filled with some pretty notable stuff. Here are a few things that are definitely worth mentioning!


The main goal of INLEO's monthly prompt is to povide users with interesting topics to write about and encourage them to write every day. I actually got to know about Inleo monthly prompt about 10 days into this month. I didn't know it had started since February. My memories are flawed so I don’t exactly remember who told me about the inleo prompt. But I think I was on my favorite discord server chatting when someone mentioned it. I took a look at the previous topics and they were absolutely amazing and worth writing about. So, on that very day, I jumped right into participating in Inleo's monthly prompt. It's been such a fun experience.

In this month of April, my favorite topic has to be the one where we talked about our pets. Dogs are absolutely my favorite animal in the world. I am a big lover of dogs, and it is obvious since I have two German Shepherd dogs. When I wrote that post, I poured all my happiness into it. It gave me gratification that other post just didn't have. One of the reasons why I enjoyed writing that post so much is because I wanted to use original images. So, I went through my gallery and found some amazing pictures of my dogs, including the very first one I ever took of my furry friend. I did not know I had that image in my gallery, and seeing it made me smile. It was such a special moment.

On the other hand, the topic which I find difficult to write about is earth day. The topic is: Earth day and ecology conservation. Don’t quote me wrong. I don’t want to give off the impression that this topic isn’t nice. I’m sure a lot of people enjoyed writing the topics. However, it was really difficult for me to think of what to write because I had little or no experience at all in that field. So, I sat down and thought really hard before I could scramble a few words.


About a month ago, the INLEO team, as well as the users, helped in finding and fixing bugs. I was lucky and fortunate enough to be one of the people who helped fix those bugs. Compared to before, the INLEO front-end became super easy to use. It was smooth as silk. However, I've noticed that in the past few days, I haven't been able to upload images through the front-end. I really hope they fix this soon.

Summarily, The journey with INLEO this month has been absolutely fantastic, filled with so many beautiful experiences.

This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for the month of April. The topic is: How was your experience with InLeo? Give all your feedback! Good experience and bug reports as well.

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