Week 14: Completing the March No-Buy Month Challenge and Surviving 1st Qtr With Lessons Learned | 2022 SATURDAY SAVERS CLUB


Welcome back. The 1st quarter, 2022 for me a learning experience. First, I know my strengths and weakness as far as the defi crypto world. For me, learning the language of the defi universe has been the hardest. I'm still trying to figure out farms and kingdoms and DRIPS. Delving into a new investment in the past while not fully understanding the underlying concept has been my weakness due to FOMO. I must admit, I have done this in the past. Then slowly caught up to the concept.

1st quarter lessons and takeaways:

Don't allow FOMO or enthusiasm for a new venture pull me in over my head. Last month I set up automatic investments. After a couple weeks I realized that I'd used up my available liquid. I was only able to power up 10 Hive on April 1st Hive Power Up Day. Beginning 2nd quarter, I need to reassess my commitments to ensure I have available liquid for all projects I'm excited about. I'll continue my participation, but at a smaller percentage.

On platform savings and investments. Saturday Savers Club. Going smoothly so far.

  • 1 HIVE / 6.23 HBD transferred to savings: Total: 37.550 Hive / 56.230 HBD

  • CUBLife Buy-In: Total: 14 Hive via automated transfers to @cublife for the April 21st buy-in.

  • EDS Miner Tokens: Total: Approx. 6 Hive via automated transfers to @eds-holdings to purchase additional miners. This will, in turn, allow me to mine more EDS tokens. Purchases are completed on Mondays evenings each week and credited to my account.


  • March No-Buy Month COMPLETED.

Goal: Save $1,500.00
Actual Amount: Saved $800.00

Didn't reach my goal. However, I loved participating in this challenge for a third time.

As always, unexpected expense may arise. I escaped the first two months.

However, this time I incurred a sizeable medical expense above what was budgeted.

I'm continuing to reduce my take-out food expenses.

Here's my breakdown:


Expense% of Monthly BudgetDollar Amount EquivalentActual Spent
Entertainment15%$450 equivalent in monthly spending$270.00
Investments10%$300 in investments (including crypto)$100.00
Savings10%$300 in savings$0.00
Other-Assistance5%$150 in gifts$300.00
GoalSave 50%$1,500$2,020.00
Actually Saved 32%$980


Off platform savings and investments.

  • Keeping an eye on my investment in Polycub.
  • Readjusted my percentages budgeted for personal savings and investments.
2nd quarter plans:

I've decided that, beginning second quarter, I'm reducing my weekly transfers to my Hive Savings. I still have my over goal of 667.95 by year-end. I'll just go a different route to achieve it. Each week, I'll transfer an amount I feel won't compromise my other liquid commitments. My liquid is extremely low at this time. I have ten times the HBD, so I'll continue my weekly savings according to the savings chart in the Saturday Savers Club.

My Invest In Yourself Initiative. Beginning the 2nd quarter, I plan to add to my HBD savings regular amounts in addition to my weekly set transfers. I'm taking advantage of the 12% interest currently received on my HBD Savings

Powering up monthly is one of the ways to increase the value of my account. Also, with my increased hive power, I"m able to lend greater support to my favorite authors and artists with a larger vote.

I'm at a point in my life where I have to be extremely careful about diving into new ventures due to trends. This year has been one of learning and discoveries to enhance my savings and investment portfolios both on platform and off.


@shanibeer is our host and super saver with her @susie-saver account. She keeps the Club running smoothly and shares excellent ideas to get and stay involved with savings.

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Free Image by Visual Stories at Unsplash

WEEK 14: Here are my activities this week that helped toward my year-long goals. Only a small sample of the projects are listed. I'm following the Saturday Savers Club Weekly Savings Plan outlined in the chart at the end of my post.

PROJECTPrevious Bal.ActivityNew Bal.GOALComments
Saturday-Savers Club 4/2/22)36.550 Hive+1.00 Hive37.550 Hive667.95 HIVEHive Savings. Moving along at a nice pace.
36.669 HBD+13.331 HBD50 HBD667.95 HBDHBD Savings. My Invest In Yourself initiative by transferring addt'l amounts to my HBD Savings when available.
50 HBD+6.23 HBD56.230 HBD667.95 HBDHBD weekly savings.
Hive Power12,009.105+52.006 HP12,061.111 HP15,000 HPReward earnings. Recovering slowly from 2021 withdrawal.
Leo @khaleelkazi229.859+9.282239.1411,000 LeoNew amount after staking and earnings.
CubLife @lbi-token430.332+5.834436.1661,000 CubLifeWeekly dividends for staking CL
EDS-@eds-holdings111.520+0.69112.21Daily mining lottery reward. What are the EDS and other tokens listed below? Visit: EDS income token weekly report - 12 (3speak airdrop). Check out this latest report.
EDSM40.905+0.040.905100 EDSMEDS miner token. Purchased weekly on Monday evening and credited to holders.
SPI13.12+.0013.1250 SPIDividends now paid in Hive.

*According to @lbi-token, "CUBLIFE (CL) in a nutshell is a hive-engine token dedicated to investing in CUBfinance that pays out weekly dividends in the form of LEO. All LEO/HIVE raised from monthly token issues is invested in CUBfinance. 50% of weekly harvests are converted to LEO and issued to CL token holders, 40% is reinvested back into the platform and 10% goes to LBI as an operators fee for maintaining and actively managing the wallet."

As I have reiterated, I'm not a financial adviser. My post is not meant to be financial advice. My articles on cryptocurrency, investing, and saving are meant to share my personal opinion, experiences, and general information about those items once I discover interesting facts and figures. Please perform your own research before investing in any project that you feel comfortable with. In all cases, only spend and invest in project where you have the available resources.

Why not join in this fun initiative and start saving whatever amount you can. To get started, why not take a look at the 2022 Savings Plans for the Club on @eddie-earner's account here: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | 2022 Launch and FAQs | Everyone Welcome | EDS for Comments.

There is also a daily savings chart for 365 days. Check out the weekly Saturday Savers Club post on @eddie-earner's account for more details here. It's now WEEK 9.


Tell me what your savings plan is. I'd like to hear about different ideas. See you next week.


Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.







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b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines.
f) Saturday Savers Club logo created by me @justclickindiva in Canva utilizing its free templates and free images from PXFuel (i) and (ii).

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