My Thoughts: Hive Will Thrive Despite Any Stakeholder, Not Because Of Them

Courtesy of @thepeakstudio

Appealing to Authority On Hive

Where blogging is concerned, Hive has no complaint department. Your content will appeal to some, and not to others. Every post made with honest intent has some value, and the community should ensure that. Upvotes are normal. Downvotes are normal.

Who Is On Hive?

The people who set up shop here and stay for the long haul are a different sort of creature. People arriving with an entitlement mindset find out pretty fast this isn't the place for them. People who thrive are here to carve out their own destiny, and do not feel entitled to the resources of others. Hive is a niche.

Is Hive Fragile?

I'm here to challenge the notion that any one stakeholder should be capable of destroying HIVE. If they are, I say let HIVE be destroyed-- it deserves to be destroyed. The NINJA MINE DEVELOPMENT FUND made STEEM fragile. With it removed HIVE is significantly less fragile. For HIVE to succeed long term, it needs to be anti-fragile. Some would say it's very fragile now, because of the user churn. I don't really agree with this. 80% of new users probably will not stay, because it is such a niche. This churn is not a measure of failure or fragility, it's a measure of preference.

Why Does Hive Exist?

Does Hive exist to replace social media? Does it exist as a platform for mass adoption? I believe the answer to both of these questions is NO. Hive from a blogging perspective is a niche, it will always be a niche. Could it be a larger niche? Absolutely, much larger. Hive will never be appealing to those who crave centralized control and protection from an authority, let's face it. It's appealing to people who believe in self-determination. I see people who crave authority come and go, because they don't understand this, and that's fine. It's NOT for everybody. Blogging IS NOT the only application for this blockchain, so I am totally fine with the blogging part remaining a niche.

Inflation And Time Will Lessen The Impact Of Whales

This is already proven in the data that folks like @penquinpabo and @dalz publish all the time. The distribution continues to improve. If you like it here, and want to influence the future, post more, earn more, buy more, vote more. Be the change you seek in others. Hive is a great microcosm for creating capital (posting/curating), and putting that capital to work (delegating, interest, etc.).

If Hive Is To Survive, It Will Survive With Or Without You

You Own Your Own Success Or Failure Here.

Invest. Build A Following. Find Support. If your supporters outvote your detractors, you've already won the game.

If it's not for you, move on. Web 2.0 is waiting for you with open arms.

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