
I don't wish to be sentimental here but the fact remains that the Hive blockchain itself is not as popular as it is supposed to be. The proof of sharing community was able to help promote Hive on Twitter but the impact is not that much because of the way Twitter operates. In Twitter, contents with low engagement ( likes and retweets) barely make it to a larger audience. Again, getting a good number of followers does not come by easily on Twitter except through giveaways. This makes most of the Hive posts we share on Twitter almost useless, as its reach is very small due to either the low number of followers we have or the fact that people on Twitter are more interested in giveaways and other earning opportunities.

Most of the people I have met in other non-SocialFi platforms to which I belong can only talk of the Hive token. Most of them are not aware that there is anything like the Hive community where they can monetize their content.

Coming to games built on Hive blockchain, most of the promotion happens on Hive. We see good content creators producing different content on these games with most of the posts being on Hive, which to me brings no external traffic to the Gaming project.

I read a blog on some popular play-to-earn games but was surprised that Hive-based games like Splinterland didn't make it to the top seven. There couldn't be anything wrong except the fact that the marketing strategies used by these gaming projects on Hive are poor. Their AMA and contest are mostly on Hive. When the Alien world game came into space, despite being built on the Wax Blockchain, they started by having AMA in Telegram and Discord communities. They organized Twitter and blog giveaways. This helped them get an audience from those who are not even users of the Wax blockchain.

Could it be that these play-to-earn games projects are quite comfortable with the number of traffic they get from Hive community users alone?.

As ineffective as most of us who are already in love with decentralized social media networks may see it, Facebook is still one of the best places to promote a new game. If these new gaming projects on Hive can have Facebook pages where they can share news, organize giveaways and also promote their games, they will bring traffic to their games, and the Hive community as well, because new users will have to sign-up for Hive to be able to use it.

However, the difficulty in creating a Hive account is another challenging factor here. Many potential gamers may easily lose hope of joining some of these games when they are not able to sign-up easily on Hive.

@psyberx tried to an extent through some of the competitions they organized when they came new to Hive, but the strategy wasn't sustainable because the links they asked users to share on several social media platforms will only generate traffic if the user has a good social audience. Many people just created new accounts for the sake of the @psyberX giveaway.

You might argue that some of these games on Hive have a huge number of users but on a thorough search, you will discover that some of the gamers have multiple accounts.

If there should be more "ORGANIC" traffic coming to the games on the Hive blockchain, there should be a good marketing plan that will go beyond Hive. These gaming projects should have other social media pages. People are more convinced to read promotions coming from a company's page than from an individual who is not an influencer.

The AMA and contest shouldn't be on Hive alone. There are general crypto groups on Whatsapp with a large number of gamers. Having AMA in such a group will be very effective.

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