Hive: The Art Of FUDDing Responsibly & Believing In The Product.


I haven't been able to shake off my illness lately, which simultaneously means a drop in my blockchain activities, however, this meant that I consumed more contents more than I normally would, and checked prices too often than I normally would, but I reckoned I did the former more than I did the latter because I realized something, we check prices to see if we can gain some comfort.

Just a little gain piques the emotion and further dips create more FUD tendencies. In the past three days, I've read more FUD posts than I've ever done in my 5 years of being here. This means that even the best of people here are FUDing would I blame them? No.

The bear market twists the minds of even the strongest.

but we're not just going through the bear market alone, are we? No. The FUD is driven by something more, it's not just about hive not doing well.

On the contrary, hive is doing well in other aspects, there hasn't been a ridiculous drop in activity, and the Leothreads is still as bubbly as ever. But some people do not want to focus on what keeps them busy anymore, the endless projects on hive to interact with, from SPLINTERLANDS to others, and this is because the weight of the dip in price takes away their attention. But are we in a state of emergency? Absolutely not.

Some people are predicting more doom on Twitter

But there's a reason

this isn't because they're prophets of dooms, most of them are just psychologically trying to prep themselves for anything, thereby creating unintentional FUD in the process. I saw someone predict 5k Bitcoin incoming. While it was a baseless and laughable prediction, I could read that he's just being extra salty and fearful.

Twitter is the place of doom, inasmuch as FUD posts are more plentiful at the moment here, but this is because I believe a lot of people here are holding on to the very fabrics of their sanity. But of course, I still feeling creating FUD posts is still better than a complete lack of activity.

Lack of activity is a silent but more potent FUD

however, I try to encourage people not to do that and reappear again when the going gets better, it's a complete show of disloyalty at least to me because I believe no one can say they've completely lost everything since they've been here, hence, they should have the good times at the back of their mind and let this be a driving force for them.

However, it's also funny that some whalish hunters are no longer going about and downvoting posts because they're overrewarded, but some of these accounts they've hunted have continued powering up and choosing activity of inactivity, through the bear market and these hunters do not acknowledge these people, but when the bull market comes, these hunters magically appears and begin their witch hunts.

It's double standards if you ask me.

I think we have to pay attention to what happens in both market cycles. One of the things I believe we shouldn't do is cultivate different habits towards the chain during the bull or bear market since hive thrives on continuity, creativity, and consistency to grow, I'll say that the best of people are those who see the project first before anything.

It's why I've reshuffled my priority a little bit; supporting those with longer mindsets irrespective of the market situation with my very tiny stake, might not make an impact, but I still do it nonetheless. In fact, I've taken it upon myself to seek out people who are powering up, when it's not HPUD or LPUD, Building extra, and growing with tenacity.

I feel they deserve the MVP award because these are the real G's

Even bigger, In fact

I've seen posts of some people powering up and making significant moves. This made me even more hopeful because, during the 2018 bear market, a lot of people did worse, left, FUDed multiple times, and did terrible damage, but it never killed steem though and it rose from the tethers later, but we can say the hostile takeover, did its job and the Hive's dispensation was hope, value, strength, vigor, and courage, the hostile takeover was worse, the uncertainty was niggling.

I know I cannot compare it to what we're facing now, but the point is, we survived that because we believed in the technology, in the product, and as a community, we fought.

There's an instance:

Hive thriving in The 2021 bull market was part of the dividends of the hustle in 2020 by almost every community person here. So I find it lackadaisical when someone thinks their accounts alone cannot influence the chain negatively and positively because it's too small, it actually can.

The product we have here is massive, let's not allow the bear market to make us underestimate what we have here. I've seen very shitty projects doing some crazy shillings, this is because they depend on the shilling, because there's no utility or value to the project.

What we have here is immense, even if it's imperfect

Externally, I'm hoping CZ and Binance sort out their crazy shits, the road to recovery might still be long, but our FUD here shouldn't be the same as a demented individual who wakes up everyday heads to Twitter in their dirty pajamas saying "5K BTC incoming?".

Irrespective, I'll advise people to cultivate good practices here, not just because it's their duty but because our survival and thrival depend on all of us. Sell FUD responsibly and logically even if you should.

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