A Fringe Skill That's Lucrative On Every Social Space


Listening to motivation quotes about wealth and becoming a millionaire is one of the most overrated and simple things you can do in life. Make no mistake. I am not saying it is bad to be motivated; I am just saying that life does not always go as we expect. I recall working as a younger adult. I always planned how I wanted to save my monthly earnings in my head, but most of the time I realized I couldn't.

After hearing a powerful message about saving, I return to my savings goals, only to fall short again at the end of the month. Staying positive is a mental state, but if your physical parameters do not support it, you will fail.

We humans have a tendency to form habits. It is easy to build castles, devise complex plans, and see them come to fruition, but reality is neither friend nor foe. Reality is simply the way it is; it is not intended to be unfair or fair to any particular group of people.

We are always drawn to people who make us happy.

We Want to Stay Happy Despite Our Problem

In fact, motivational speakers are among the most influential people in the social world. This is due to our strong belief in the power of their words, which has resulted in their financial success.
Motivational speaking is about sweet talk. Its primary purpose is to awaken you to life's responsibilities and realities; it is not intended to serve as our guide throughout life.

For example, we often believe that sleeping excessively was a sign of laziness. I know people who always brag about burning the midnight oil and gaining knowledge while others slept. However, modern medicine has demonstrated that healthy sleep is critical to survival. I believe that motivational speaking should be interpreted literally. Because it is presented in a generalized format, it is not really applicable to everyone because we all have unique problems and no single solution will ever work.

Talking Is Business

I used to watch people like Steve Harvey. He made it easy to talk, which was both sweet and beautiful. You could argue that he was born to talk, which has allowed him to build a business empire. However, if life were that simple, he would not have divorced his first wife, and his children would not be experiencing marital problems. Take nothing away from him; he has changed many people's lives and given them a sense of purpose.

Talk Might Be Cheap But It's Not Cost Money

The spoken word is not intended to change pre-existing conditions, cure cancer, alleviate poverty, or treat chronic medical conditions. I believe that people carry the solutions to some of their mental problems on their own, but there is sometimes the illusion that we must be saved by someone else. Honestly, there is no help unless it is spiritual. Motivation is a physical endeavor that psychologically enriches the soul. It possesses no physical weight.


However, I am aware that people can pay money to uplift their spirit and soul; no one wants to live in depression, even if depression is a symptom of a larger issue in our lives. We are sometimes guilty of addressing symptoms rather than the source of the problem. So motivation is a business that addresses the symptoms of a problem rather than the problem itself; however, we live in a world where we pay to solve our symptoms, especially when we are unable to solve the problem itself.

It is not entirely bad.

Social media has helped people cope to some extent, and hearing another person's success story gives us hope that we are not too far gone after all. Seeing someone with our medical conditions thrive and share their testimony helps us stay relieved. This is the power of motivational speaking. It does not exactly solve our problem, but it gives us hope that all is not lost, which motivates us to keep fighting.
So, you've seen how motivational speeches tends to be justaposing.

It rarely holds volume, but we occasionally look to it to help us cope and feel like there is more for us. This is why it is big business. People like Prince EA were among the first social media motivational speakers, and today he has advanced his career and many people will testify to how he has helped them in life.
However, the ability to uplift another person is a skill, albeit a fringe skill; it can be a gift or a talent.


Life Is Hard

Life is full of difficulties; sometimes we wish we did not have them, and sometimes we do things to help us cope, which is where entertainers come in, with movies, comedy, and other diversions. This has evolved into a distinct industry. At the end of the day. Motivational speaking addresses a specific issue, fills a void in people's souls, and thus remains relevant in today's society.

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