What If....

I'm going to assume a lot in this post....

But the purpose of this post, actually the purpose of every post I end up creating on chain is to ask each of us...What if?

Now a few of the assumptions are this, the majority of us aren't whales. We are every day folks, working hard to add value to this chain but also to eventually, make enough to support our families here.

So when I ask, can we live off the 20% APR that is currently being enjoyed with $HBD of course you can....

Just give me 1 million $HBD and I'll 'struggle' to live off over 16k a month in dividend payments.

So yeah, whales can enjoy this right now and we're seeing quite a few of them living off the interest they earn, just from hoiding HBD in savings.

But what about....The rest of us?

I read a bunch of books from Canadian author Derek Foster about a decade or so ago...

He called himself the 'Idiot Millionaire' and his claim to fame was that he retired at the age of 34, living basically off the dividends he earned by holding blue chip stocks.

There's more to his story but for the sake of this post, that's the general idea.

And it's sound, never 'sell' your assets, but live off the dividends they pay. And that's exactly the same opportunity we're looking at right here on the blockchain.

Let's so some basic math and see some levels any of us can achieve:

Want to earn about 1000 a month in passive dividends by holding $HBD?

You'll need 60k in HBD savings.

And while that seems like a huge amount, don't look at the end goal right now. Slow and steady folks, slow and steady...

Shoot for smaller, achievable targets to start out.

Aim for 600 in HBD savings....

That's 10 bucks extra in your pocket each and every month. That's a target anyone can achieve here, and that can start to compound if you don't touch your savings for a while.

After you reach 600, shoot for 1000. That's 16 bucks in your pocket a month. Then try to push yourself and go for 2500 etc.....

Here's the key, this does not happen overnight. Remember, we aren't whales here so we need 'time in the market'. But if the HBD savings holds up, at 20% which is always up for debate....The HBD savings plan literally becomes potentially one of the greatest retirement plans around.

I know I always revisit this when I start rebuilding my HBD, because I'm kind of starting this a bit later in life than I would have liked. It gets me excited to think about the HBD we have here, built right into the chain and for me....It's a no brainer.

Obviously, things can always go south. So you have to judge for yourself what you can invest. But the best part about this savings plan is it's 3 days to get liquid. And no penalty.

So can we eventually live off the interest we earn on HBD?

Who knows lol I mean, it's my GOAL to live off the interest earned but I know to many things can go south....The markets, the blockchain, the adoption, the weather, the powers that be....So many things can go wrong.

But what if....

It's exciting to think about!

The obvious disclaimer: This is NEVER financial advice because I'm pretty much the worst example of what to do in crypto (you know, selling $BTC when it was 500 bucks...) lol So please please please...Research ALL of this stuff before you drop a dime into it!

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