#MyLEOGoals - Simple!

I'm writing tonight's blog post laid up in my bed....

Looks like I got some kind of flu and haven't been able to do much of anything all day. Actually, that's not true...I slept a lot lol

And that sucks for me because these times of the week, I'm usually fired up on a few fronts. One that a new week is beginning, but also I usually get out of the house and go on my weekly hike with my dog.

Today though, I couldn't even get out of bed...And the poor pup laid beside me the entire day looking at me, waitying to get out of the house. Sorry girl, not this week!

However, it's allowing me to throw the laptop on literally...My lap! And bang out this week's #MyLEOgoals post. And like I mentioned last week, I've found my new darling in the ecosystem!

That's the diesel pools for $HIVE and $LEO

And once again, my lack of knowledge when it comes to technical stuff has allowed me to stay in my comfort zone and invest here on chain...That's a blessing and a curse folks lol

Am I missing out on some big opportunties elsewhere?

Absolutely! I just dont have the time or desire these days to learn anything new when it comes to crypto. I'm beat guys, it's been over a decade that I've been in this so now going forward...I like simple!

And it doesn't get any simpler than the diesel pools for $LEO

Let's take a look at see how I did this week...

150,000 LEO Power

These totals are a little deceiving. Because I'm powering down both $LEO and $HIVE right now and doing a few 'gynastics' with it.

First, I'm taking a big chunk of the Hive I'm getting and converting it into $HBD Time to take advantage of that 20% going forward. PLus, it's pretty much liquid. If I need it for a house downpayment etc, it's right there. I don't need to wait 13 weeks for my funds.

But also, I'm doing this...

Like I mentioned, I'm putting the $LEO anxd liquid $HIVE I'm getting into the diesel pool to add some liquidity. Now let's be honest, this isn't making me rich. I'm generating about 13 cents a day from this but what's more important to me is that....I'm helping the LEO eco system!

I think lol

Honestly, I have no idea if it helps or not, cause apparently the darling of the platform is MAYA. But alas, read up and see where I stand lol

But hey, here's something positive this week...

This is pretty cool because I was reallllly busy last week. So that's always a good thing and going forward it's obvious, curation is where I'm going to be earning more.

Overall, a good week and I hope you guys crush it on the platform!!

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