#MyLEOGoals - A Fantastic Start To 2024

It's the last weekend of January, and so far it's been a pretty epic journey!

Being able to focus pretty much all my effort on $LEO has allowed me to see some pretty good results, and judging from the first month of the year....I'll be APEX before I know it :)

The game plan hasn't changed much, as I'm creating every day and now using the LEO front end solely, I hope to generate some of that sweet ever green pay outs in the future. And while I don't think I'll get 200 people viewing #myleogoals content in a year from now, it's always nice to be a product of the product.

As for thew strategy, you guys know it by now...

  1. Show up every day

  2. Create and curate on Threads / INLEO

  3. Buy $LEO every day

  4. Delegate to @leo.voter for liquid LEO

  5. Power everything up!

Let's just throw it out there....It's not the most exciting game plan for the next 11 months but hey....It's been working!

Let's see how we did over the past 7 days....

150,000 LEO POWER

Love seeing this number left to go, getting smaller and smaller...

150,000 - 112,327.75 = 37,672.25 left to go

And if we do the math, I'll need to generate / buy around 114 or so LEO per day for the rest of the year to hit APEX.

Thing is, I'm generating about 250 LEO per day right now with the above strategy so.....We'll hit APEX status in about 6 months or so from now at the current rate!

And here's what is helping my journey on the platform as well...

Apparently the lower price of Hive, the higher curation. But something else I've been doing....Pretty much upvoting a ton of content on LEO Threads every day. Not really caring about how much voting power I have left either, as it dips well below 80% a times....Just voting Threads every single day seems to be helping as well.

Distribute those tokens ;) It's the LEO way!!

Overall, I'm thrilled with not only this past week on chain, but the first month of 2024 as well. Biggest tip I can share, focus!! Trim the fat and lazer target your effort and attention to one or two projects on chain. You will be blown away at how well it goes when you do that!

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