Become A Whale In 30 Days Or Less...


We all have big dreams...

When I first joined the blockchain, one of my 'big dreams' was to become a whale on Hive. Just think about it...The glory! The prestige! The curation

But as time went on, I realized that unless I had an extra 500k sitting around in crypto or fiat, my dream of becoming a whale here might take a little bit more time than I thought.

So much for that huh? My hopes and dreams, crashed and burned because...I just didn't have the resources. I had the hustle and I had the entrepreneurial spirit, but the fiat was lacking...

If you have heard any of the Crypto Maniacs podcasts with @taskmaster4450 and yours truly, you'll know we talk about...The tribes on Hive, a lot!

There are a lot to choose from...

Are you into finance and crypto? Check out LEO!

How about #Splinterlands? SPT is right up your alley!

Into entrepreneurship? Heck, I know a tribe that might help ya in CTP!

What about NFTs? Not to worry ONEUP has you covered.

Science, tech and all that super smart stuff? STEM Geeks for the win!

I can go on and on, but you get the idea...No matter what your passion is here on the blockchain, there is a tribe and community TOKEN to support it.

Which brings me to the point of this post....

Maybe, I'm not destined to become a whale on Hive anytime soon!

Perhaps, I'm supposed to have the 41st most staked LEO on chain....


Look at that!

Maybe becoming a top witness on Hive isn't in the cards for @blainjones and I and out little @clicktrackprofit witness server...


Wow, crazy...We're top 10 on the Hive Engine witness list!

And no this post is not meant to be bragging at all, heaven's knows I don't have a thing to brag about. But what I'm hoping to show people is that...

The potential to become a major influencer in a TRIBE on Hive isn't out of reach. A little bit of elbow grease, some patience and investment in yourself can pay BIG!

Heck a few thousand bucks would make you one of the top token holders on CTP right now...Whale status!

I'm currently like 25th on the staked richlist on SPT and I just got started stacking the token a few months ago...

The opportunity is in the tribes!!!

Sure, we love layer 1. Like Hive is on another level of awesomeness...But some of the bigger opportunities for building some serious influence on this blockchain...

Are found on layer 2 in the tribes and passionate communities!


Save BIG on all your Swap.Hive / Hive needs with HivePay:

Vote for our Witness Node (clicktrackprofit) On..


Gift and tip CTP tokens to awesome content creators using the brand new CTP Tips Bot!

Stake CTP and use the prompt !CTP to gift tokens to your favorite creators!

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