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A Case For Project Blank

A Case For Project Blank.png

Like most of us on the blockchain, we've been eagerly anticipating the release of #ProjectBlank - the microblogging platform that is being developed by the @LeoFinance team.

A lot of us feel, this could be the killer application that we've been waiting for and will help raise massive awareness to the community and blockchain. And while the project has been pushed back with the launch of Cub Finance, we're still waiting with baited breath....For an announcement...Of an announcement ;)

One of the reasons I'm personally bullish about this platform is because I know the power of Twitter and what it means for crypto as a whole but even with my online businesses. Twitter and the micro-blogging concept is powerful for getting people to know, like and trust you...Which again, plays big into my plans for using these platforms.

So I decided to do a little test...To show the world, how impactful #ProjectBlank will be, using some traditional and non-traditional social media sites. I took one post and shared it on 4 of the following platforms...


The post was announcing the little podcast project that @taskmaster4450 and myself have begun, and thought I would see what kind of results I got from each...As you are about to see, the need for a micro-blogging platform on the blockchain is not only needed...But the no-brainer killer application of the year!!!!




Decent engagement, but the comments were low and with 2500 plus friends, only 11 likes left much to be desired.

Facebook is only good for live streaming these days lol



11 Re-Tweets

Very good engagement, retweets and likes.

Twitter is amazing when it comes to crypto based content and of course, the Hive and LEO community on Twitter are second to none!



1 Comment

The 'crypto Facebook' that has a lot of people excited! I have to admit, I haven't been paying as much attention to this site as others, but still not bad....19 likes and 2 'shares'....What was low though, was the comments....With only 1 Torum member commenting!



4 Re-Noises

And here's my point....

This is why something like #ProjectBlank is needed!!! Take a look at Noise.Cash and you will see, the MOST engagement. shares and likes across the 4 platforms I tested...

Why is that?

Noise does reward people for commenting, although it's not a guaranteed reward. But to me, it's their model....They are a true micro-blogging platform where crypto enthusiasts flock to discuss everything from NFT's to DeFi!

This type of platform is popular because you don't need to be a Pultizer Prize winning author to get seen, get engaging and get rewarded.

It's crazy simple too....Post to a community (chamber) and add a picture if you like...There's your post.

It embraces the DNA of Twitter but adds the crypto element to it with BCH rewards.


Imagine THAT same model, but right here! On the blockchain!

The simplicity of micro-blogging but with the power of Hive and LEO behind it....

I know, I know...We need to be patient, and I am...But the content creator and entrepreneur in me, just sees Project Blank and can't help but say to myself over and over again....

This is going to change how everyone looks at blockchain based social media forever!

Nugget: You may be asking, why didn't you test out Leo or Hive on this little experiment? I'm VERY confident, that this post will BLOW every other post I made about the podcast...Let's see if I'm right ;) Which is the big reason why, ProjectBlank on this blockchain will be the no brainer of no brainers!