Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. It is another wonderful Sunday. The only one of its kind. We can only have one SUNDAY, that is 11th February, 2024. Not two. I just want to share a story with you full of lessons, hope you like and see the lesson therein.

Once in a long time ago, in a great city of great wealth and merriment, a city of so much activities, a city where all that matters to the dwellers is how to amass wealth and great riches; a city where people can do anything to make wealth; a place where going to extremes to make it wasn’t an issue to think twice about. A city where the great priority is money making. There lived a family of three; a family of father, mother and a child. The name of this child is “Gift”. A child from a very wealthy family, where parents were daily occupied with their work, with little or no time for him. “Gift” spent most of his days in loneliness at home at the mercy of the house help, who was also always engrossed in the house chores most of the times while at the hand of nannies and tutors in school. He has always been yearning for the warmness of his parents' attention.

As “Gift” grew older in a city and a place in which he knew nothing about and with no one to tell him something about where he has found himself; just like one groping in darkness with no direction for where he is coming from, why he was where he found himself and where he is going. he began to feel increasingly confused and neglected. Yet everything was very much abundant for him because his parent wealthy, but this is void of care and attention. There is a confusion and a question of what is happening, where am I, what am I doing here? While his parents' extravagant merrymakings and important business conferences took priority over spending time with him. This continue while he was growing up from childhood to his teenage stage of life and yet there has not been a change. Life has become so bored without meaning. He thought to himself, what shall I do? And Left to his own devices, “Gift” sought companionship elsewhere. He found solace in the streets, where he met other neglected youths neglected just like himself. For his longing has ever been companionship and here he has found it on the streets.
Together, they roamed the city as the mind could create for them, seeking adventure and excitement in a horrible place that they have found themselves without direction and anyone who cared to answer their questions. At first, it was harmless prank and mischief - skipping school, sneaking into abandoned buildings, and playing pranks on unsuspecting passersby for they derive satisfaction from that. It was great amusement to them. But as time passed, their antics escalated as no one cared to find out how they fared; whether on the right or right direction.

As days passed by, “Gift” felt an increasing sense of rebellion against his good for nothing parents' neglect who cared only for riches and wealth they could amass. He wanted to prove that he was more than just an abandoned heir to their wealth. So, he and his streets found friends began to dabble in petty crimes - shoplifting, graffiti, and vandalism, for them it was fun and amusement. It was a way for him to feel alive, to exert control over his own life in the midst of his parents' insignificance.
With each passing day, as he explored deeper into his new found world of crime, he discovered himself drawn to more rewarding venturous yet dangerous opportunities. He became involved with local gangs, running errands and doing odd jobs for them in exchange for acceptance, sense of belonging and respect. His parents remained completely oblivious to his activities as they careless, too absorbed in their own affairs to notice the changes in their son, if at all they noticed.
Despite the high level of dangers and risks involved, “Gift” felt a sense of belonging with his newfound comrades. They were his companion, in a sense the fulfilment of his longing, the meaning to his life, his family now, filling the void left by his absent parents. But deep down, he knew that his life of crime was unjustifiable. He longed for a way out, a chance to start anew.
Then, on this fateful night…

Parents, our work is very important, but we have a serious responsibility towards our children, not just in terms of providing all the necessary needs and wants but also creating time for them to know all about them.
Our Nations are made up of our societies and our societies are made up of our families and every child comes from a family of some sort. Hence the family is the first face of the society, if we have good family upbringing generally, then it will reflect in our societies and nations at large.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and reading through. I really appreciate you a lot.
Hope I have not bored you? I will also appreciate a review and comments.
Once again thanks for stopping by. Do have a nice time.
Bye, see you next time.


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