Capitalizing on resources at our disposal

Reflecting back on Hive meet up with @silhouetted.grey and @presh84 yesterday, it was a wonderful get together, time went by quickly as we delve into Hive related chats. One of the question silhouetted.grey asked me was, haven been on Hive since 2017, have I been impacted in anyway positively.

I have been smarter financially, I have been opportune to see the necessity in long term investment was my response but reflecting back there's more to the positive impact of Hive on me. Time have become very valuable, I can't remember when last I felt bored, being consistent at what is of importance to me have been a cultivated habit and I could go on and on.

Blue & White Modern Tutorial Youtube Thumbnail.png

silhouetted.grey and presh84 have wonderful goals to empower the South African kids in their community through Hive, my face lite up with a smile when they shared their dream with me and all I could see is the possibility of having school kids utilizing Hive for educational benefit while earning in the process. I am hopeful this dream will come to fruition on Hive in the near future.

We are in an era and fast evolving towards a future where we have to be in charge of our success, relying on governments to provide the basics isn't going to get us anywhere as we can see Hive proving Borehole water for the people of Ghana where government have failed to deliver.

Cryptocurrency/Blockchain have presented us with opportunities, with any amount of money or no money one can invest into sustainable project, give it time and watch it grow.
With very minimal skill, one can create content for rewards in cryptocurrency with Hive being a perfect example. You are good at codding, start building Apps.

If we look around and within us deeply there's just more to what we can do and take advantage of the resources at our disposal. We live in an exciting time, though it is rough out there with unemployment on the high couple with inflation and war, on the bright side there's a technology before us that could alter things in our favor if properly utilize and taken advantage of.

Gif by @mariosfame

We owe it to ourselves to make Hive great

Image by @doze

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