Factors To Consider When Migrating

Hello guys it's @joetunex and @josediccus here again. In today's video, we looked at the most important information when migrating from one country to another in search of greener pastures. We talked about some of the most relevant ingredients that people fail to equip themselves with, thereby denying themselves the proper information they could have acquired through research.

We talked about the influence of social media as a driving force when it comes to unintentional migration, how people do not consider being ill-equipped and how this becomes a huge oversight on their part. We talked about the major countries that Africans are prone to migrate to, why they tend to migrate to these countries, and the two.

Major requirements to thrive in these countries. We went ahead to talk about asset liquidation and whether or not it was a healthy move to make in a bid to raise capital for migration. We talk about one's position in their country comparing it to the lives they might go ahead to lead if it was better than the one they're aiming to lead. We referred to money and relevant skills, plus a sense of direction and enough Capital to go with it.

On a brighter note, we talked about people who have successfully migrated and the lucrative lives they've built, how they tapped into the right areas and took advantage of the enablement they had at their disposal.
Lastly, we talked about our different experiences regarding migrating and how people shouldn't overestimate their capabilities and finances when it comes to migrating.

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